The Ibex 35 was trading with a fall of 0.22% in the mid-session, which took it to 11,315.3 points, on a day in which investors will be watching Telefónica, after the State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI), an entity dependent on the Ministry of Finance, has reached 10% of the operator’s share capital.

In this context, SEPI, which completed the mandate of the Government transferred at the end of last year, has acquired a total of 567,016,155 shares with an average price of 4.0295 euros per share, so the amount of the operation It amounts to almost 2,285 million euros, although to this share package we must add 541 titles that the entity dependent on the Treasury already had in its portfolio and which raise the total number to 567,016,696, as reported this Monday in a statement after the closing. From the market.

In addition, CriteriaCaixa’s intention to double its stake in Telefónica from the 5.007% it currently holds to 10% has become known, placing it at the same level as SEPI. The Saudi operator STC also aspires to this participation, which has a direct position of 4.9% and another indirect position of 5% through financial derivatives (9.9% in total).

In this context, Sacyr was the bullish value in the middle section of the session, with an advance of 1.14%, followed by Bankinter (1.13%), Telefónica (1.12%), Fluidra (0.75% ), Indra (0.68%) and Banco Sabadell (0.48%). On the other hand, Solaria (-2.82%), Merlin (-2.24%), Banco Santander (-1.25%), Repsol (-1.24%) and Endesa (-1.09%) They were the steepest falls.

Also in the business field, Squirrel Media announced this Tuesday the purchase of the advertising agency IKI Group, which will allow it to double its business volume and lead the Spanish independent advertising market. Its shares soared more than 5.36% in the mid-session of the stock market, up to 1.67 euros per share.

During this day, the Council of Ministers will approve, among other issues, the unemployment benefit reform signed between the Ministry of Labor and CC.OO. and UGT on May 8 and with which Spain complies with one of the milestones associated with the fourth payment of European funds.

The main European stock markets also fell in the middle section, with drops of 1.10% in Milan, 1.02% in Paris, 0.49% in Frankfurt and 0.42% in London.

The price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, fell 1.29%, to 82.64 dollars, while Texas stood at 78.73 dollars, 1.34% less.

In the currency market, the price of the euro against the dollar appreciated 0.11% to 1.0869 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond fell to 3.275 % with the risk premium at 75 basis points.