The Ibex 35, the main indicator of the Spanish market, began this Thursday’s session with a fall of 0.12%, which took it to 10,762 points, on a day in which investors will be awaiting the meeting monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB).

In addition, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will meet today with representatives of the real estate and banking sector in Moncloa to analyze housing problems and the latest measures that the Executive has approved, such as the procedure to eliminate the ‘Golden Visa’ for foreigners in exchange for buying homes or guarantees to finance the down payment for the purchase of a property for young people.

In the business field, Nextil has proceeded to open and start operations of its new elastic fabric factory in Guatemala, with the final objective of billing 100 million euros annually, as the company has reported to the National Market Commission. of Securities (CNMV).

In the early stages of this session, the biggest increases within the Ibex 35 were recorded by Acciona Energía (1.55%), Meliá Hotels (1.52%), Acerinox (1.23%), Repsol (0.96% ) and Banco Sabadell (0.56%), while the ‘red lanterns’ were Rovi (-1.29%), BBVA (-0.67%) and Sacyr (-0.65%).

The main European stock markets opened this Thursday with mixed trends. Specifically, Paris and Milan lost 0.02% and 0.21%, respectively, while Paris and London rose 0.09% in both cases.

At the opening of the stock market, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, fell 0.08%, to 90.41 dollars, while that of Texas stood at 86.11 dollars , 0.12% less.

In the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar advanced to 1.0729 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond climbed to 3.263%.