The Ibex 35 started this Thursday’s session almost flat, with a slight rise of 0.02%, which brought it to 11,331.4 points, in a day in which investors will react to the minutes of the last meeting of the United States Federal Reserve (Fed), as well as the results of the American technology company Nvidia.

Specifically, the American manufacturer of microprocessors and graphics cards Nvidia has once again exceeded expectations by obtaining a net profit of 14,881 million dollars (about 13,747 million euros) in the first quarter of its fiscal year (from February to April), which means multiplying by more than seven the profits of 2,043 million dollars (1,887 million euros) that it achieved in the same period of the previous year (628%).

In the Spanish business field, OHLA published its accounts for the first quarter of the year before the market opened, when it recorded net losses of 4.7 million euros, a figure 39.7% lower than the negative result of 7.8 million euros that it obtained in the same period of 2023.

For its part, Técnicas Reunidas expects to multiply its operating result (Ebit) by more than two in the coming years, reaching around 380 million euros in 2028, compared to 157 million at the end of 2023, and will recover the dividend in 2026, with an initial pay-out of 30%.

Precisely, the shares of Técnicas Reunidas shot up almost 10% this Thursday on the Stock Market at the start of the trading day, with its shares at 11.55 euros, which led it to lead the increases in the Continuous Market.

In the macroeconomic field, the vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Luis de Guindos, has once again made clear the institution’s position in favor of a first drop in interest rates at its meeting on June 6, in which considers an adjustment of a quarter of a percentage point appropriate.

At the opening this Thursday, the value that rose the most was Repsol (0.58%), followed by Bankinter (0.53%), BBVA (0.50%) and CaixaBank, which advanced 0.47%, while On the opposite side were Merlin Properties (-0.92%), Iberdrola (-0.9%) and Indra (-0.87%).

The main European stock markets opened today’s trading session with mixed trends. Specifically, London lost 0.1%, while Frankfurt and Milan rose 0.26%, in both cases, and Paris appreciated 0.24%.

The price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, fell 0.32% at the opening of the European markets, to 81.64 dollars, while Texas stood at 77.24 dollars. 0.43% less.

In the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar remained at 1.0827 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond fell to 3.289%.