The Ibex 35 began this Monday’s session, the first of the week, with a rise of 0.30%, which brought it to 10,887.5 points, after learning that unemployment registered in Spain fell by 60,503 unemployed in April, while Social Security gained 200,000 average affiliates.

In the business field, marked by the publication of quarterly accounts, Indra informed the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) that it obtained a net profit of 61 million euros in the first quarter, a figure that improves by 40% the profits of 44 million euros from the same period in 2023.

Precisely, in the early stages of this Monday’s session, the biggest increase within the Ibex 35 was recorded by Indra (5.22%), followed by Rovi (2.47%), Solaria (1.36%) and Banco Sabadell (1.19%). On the opposite side were Inditex (-0.77%) and Cellnex (-0.46%).

The main European stock markets opened this Monday with a positive sign, except for the London one, which remained closed for a holiday. Specifically, Milan, Frankfurt and Paris rose by 0.37%, 0.24% and 0.12%.

At the opening of the stock market, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, rose 0.69%, to 83.53 dollars, while that of Texas stood at 78.69 dollars , 0.74% more.

In the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar advanced to 1.0762 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond climbed to 3.240%.