The Ibex 35 deepened its fall towards the middle of the session, reaching 9,873.4 points, 1.01% less than at the close of Wednesday and compared to the 0.37% drop it had registered at the opening, in a day marked by the monetary policy meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB).

In the business field, the publication of Bankinter’s annual results stands out. The financial institution closed 2023 with record recurring profits of 845 million euros, 51% more than the previous year. However, the firm’s earnings have been below market consensus expectations.

The attention of investors is now pending the clues that Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, will give in the press conference that she will hold in a few hours. The central bank is not expected to make a change in interest rates.

Likewise, it has been known that the number of mortgages constituted on homes fell by 19.1% last November compared to the same month in 2022, to total 32,645 loans, with an average interest rate that moderated slightly compared to the previous month. .

Statistics has also reported this Thursday that industrial prices decreased by 6.3% last December compared to the same month in 2022, moderating by 1.3 points the decrease recorded in November.

In this context, banking led the falls in the selective of the Spanish stock markets and markets. Bankinter was the entity that registered the greatest decrease towards the mid-session (-6.24%). They were followed by Banco Sabadell (-3.11%), CaixaBank (-2.54%), Grifols (-2.38%), Banco Santander (-2.24%), BBVA (-1.97%) and Unicaja Bank (-1.87%).

On the other hand, only six Ibex stocks registered gains around 12:00 p.m.: Acerinox (0.89%), Repsol (0.87%), Logista (0.63%), Aena (0.25%), Mapfre ( 0.10%) and Ferrovial (0.09%).

The falls in the stock market were generalized for the rest of the main European markets. London fell 0.20%; Paris, 0.37%; Frankfurt, 0.37%; and Milan, 0.30%.

In the raw materials market, a barrel of Brent appreciated by 1.45%, to $81.19, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) stood at $76.27, up 1.57%.

For its part, the yield on the Spanish bond with a 10-year maturity stood at 3.279%, compared to the 3.260% recorded at the close of Wednesday. In this way, the risk premium against the German bond was 92.3 basis points, five tenths more.

In the currency markets, the euro remained practically stable against the dollar, trading at an exchange rate of 1.0890 ‘greenbacks’ for each unit of the community currency.