The Ibex 35 has lost some momentum towards the mid-session compared to the opening, relaxing its rise to 0.49% and standing at 9,340.7 points towards 12:00, in a day that will continue to be marked by the presentation of results companies, including Repsol.

The selective has been led by Grifols, which has rebounded 7.62% after announcing on Wednesday a plan to save 400 million euros a year that includes 2,300 layoffs, a hundred in Spain.

Among the values ​​in green, they are followed by Telefónica (2.40%), Banco Santander (2.02%), Fluidra (1.41%), CaixaBank (1.40%) and Colonial (1.34%).

Repsol has been on the opposite side, which fell 3.06% after reporting that it closed 2022 with a net profit of 4,251 million euros, 70% more, and a historic investment plan for 2023, of 5,000 million.

Only six other stocks have traded negatively: Amadeus (-1.46%), Logista (-0.73%), Aena (-0.46%), Cellnex (-0.44%) Meliá (-0.24 %) and ACS (-0.04%).

Regarding the rest of the European stock markets, Frankfurt advanced 0.45%, while Paris did so by 0.88% and Milan rose 0.80%. Thus, the Euro Stoxx 50 rose 0.58%, while the British FTSE 100 rose 0.10%.

The barrel of Brent remained unchanged at around 85.38 dollars, while West Texas Intermediate reached 78.63 dollars, 0.03% more.

The yield in the secondary debt market of the Spanish bond with a maturity of 10 years fell slightly compared to Wednesday, standing at 3.434%, from the previous 3.438%. Thus, the risk premium on German bonds rose two tenths, to 96.5 basis points.

In the last hours, the euro has gained some strength against the dollar and was at 1.0699 dollars for each euro, having recovered 1.07 dollars during the first hours of the session.