The Ibex 35 stood at 10,659.1 points in the mid-session, after a bullish ‘rally’ in the first hours of trading that has led the selective to recover 132 points, with an increase of 1.26%.

The reaction of investors comes after yesterday the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, assured that she would cut interest rates “in a reasonably short term” if the economy goes according to expectations. .

For his part, after the closure of the European markets, the president of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, warned that the organization was prepared to maintain rates at their current level for the time necessary to reduce inflation.

The market has also been affected by the suspension of Naturgy’s trading for a few hours. The negotiation has been allowed again after the energy company after the Emirati Taqa has confirmed that it is holding talks with CriteriaCaixa, CVC and GIP regarding a possible entry into the Naturgy shareholding. There is still no agreement on this.

In the mid-session, with trading already enabled again, Naturgy registered a 6.23% increase in its price. So far in April, the energy company has accumulated an increase of 13.83% and is at its best level in the last seven weeks.

Behind Naturgy in the middle session were BBVA (2.64%), Sacyr (2.44%), ACS (2.15%), Banco Sabadell (2.10%), Cellnex (1.92%) and Grifols (1.82%).

On the opposite side, only six stocks were trading with falls: Solaria (-1.74%), Unicaja (-1.15%, affected by the ex-dividend effect), Indra (-0.70%), Acciona EnergĂ­a (- 0.15%), Amadeus (-0.11%), and Ferrovial (-0.06%).

Positive developments were common for European stock markets in the mid-session. London advanced 0.49%; Paris, 1.22%; Frankfurt, 0.72%; and Milan, 1.12%.

In the raw materials market, a barrel of Brent stood at $89.11, 1.02% less, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell 1.04%, to $84.49.

The yield of the Spanish bond maturing in 10 years fell in the mid-session of this Wednesday to 3.311%, from the 3.330% registered at the close of Tuesday. In this way, the risk premium against German debt was reduced by 1.2 points, to 83.2 basis points.

In the raw materials market, the euro appreciated 0.24% against the dollar, reaching an exchange rate of 1.0644 ‘greenbacks’ for each unit of the community currency.