The Popular Group will address an urgent question to the Government to explain how it is going to reverse the impoverishment of families


The PP has accused the Government of having raised more than 40 tax figures since 2019 and making Spain the country with the “greatest increase in tax pressure” of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the last four years .

According to the complaint by the Popular Group in an urgent question registered in Congress, some of these tax increases have been carried out even in the pandemic and only in 2021 a dozen taxes were raised. Among them are personal income tax, savings tax, corporate tax, VAT or wealth tax.

In 2022, says the PP, the Social Security contributions of workers and the self-employed were raised, the tax on Savings, Heritage, Companies, all taxes related to real estate and also a new tax on single-use plastics.

Already this year, the ‘popular’ point out, another dozen taxes have been increased again, which, as they explain, have had a “particular cruelty” in the taxation of employment. The PP has also warned that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez has delayed, “because it is an election year”, other tax increases that they have committed to the European Commission to receive European funds, such as payment for the use of conventional roads.

For the PP, these figures have meant a record result of tax collection, which reached 255,000 million euros in 2023, which implies an increase of 32,000 million euros compared to 2021 and 42,656 million compared to 2019.

A large part of this additional collection, points out the PP, has been paid by families, since the taxes that a large part of the increase corresponds to personal income tax, with which 22,593 million more have been collected compared to 2019; and VAT, whose collection has increased by 11,057 million.

To these tax increases, Grupo Popular adds the effect of inflation, which according to calculations by the Bank of Spain has boosted tax collection by up to 50% due to its effect on some taxes such as personal income tax or VAT.

For all these reasons, the PP will address an urgent question to the Government in the plenary session of Congress next week to explain the measures it intends to adopt to reverse the loss of disposable income and the impoverishment of families, aggravated, in its opinion, by a “confiscatory fiscal policy”.

This interpellation will give rise to a motion that will be debated and voted on in the next plenary session of the Lower House.