The president of Quebec solidaire, Alejandra Zaga Mendez, was chosen Monday evening to seek the votes in the strong liberal castle of Verdun.

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The candidacy of Ms. Zaga Mendez, already announced last March, was officially confirmed by party activists during an investiture evening.

Elected president of the left-wing political formation last November, Alejandra Zaga Mendez holds a doctorate in sustainable development and conservation, a subject that is particularly close to her heart alongside the issue of access to housing.

The riding of Verdun is also one of the many neighborhoods in Montreal where rental prices have skyrocketed in recent years, so much so that the candidate considers that it could constitute fertile ground for certain QS proposals intended to strengthen the rights tenants.

Verdun is considered a stronghold of the Liberal Party, where Isabelle Melançon won with 35.5% of the vote in 2018. This county has never changed political allegiance in nearly 60 years.

“In Verdun, for 60 years, the Liberals claimed to defend the interests of ordinary people, while defending austerity and an unfair economic model. They claim to be close to our communities, especially immigrant communities, while contributing to the precariousness of our families, ”lamented the new solidarity candidate on her Facebook page.

Alejandra Zaga Mendez had already tried to get elected in 2018, finishing third in another liberal castle, that of Bourassa-Sauvé.