In the aftermath of the controversy around Celine Dion’s absence from Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 200 best singers and singers of all time, Line Basbous, president of the Red Heads, the star’s fan club from Charlemagne, said to be amused by the situation.

• To read also: Celine Dion excluded from the list of the greatest singers of all time of the magazine “Rolling Stone”

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“I am very amused. We love it, us, when Céline is talked about, ”she said, during a telephone interview.

For Line Basbous, this controversy comes at a good time. The planetary upheaval caused by this ranking has the effect of a large dose of love for a Céline who is currently going through difficult times related to her state of health.

“We are very proud of the reactions, the popular uprising and the backlash generated by this award. It’s a big dose of love,” she said in a telephone interview.

Line Basbous is not crying out for scandal. She does not understand, however, this absence, also underlining the absence of Madonna in this list and the presence of singers who may not have their place in this ranking.

“You can’t miss Madonna and Celine Dion. The only possible explanation, for me, is that it was simply an oversight. This makes this ranking something not very credible and it makes Rolling Stone lose legitimacy, which is no longer a reference at all, ”she said.

She adds that the American magazine has a little snobby side.

“Céline has, during her career, been snubbed by right-thinking people and musical intellectuals. This was the case for a good ten years”, she pointed out, specifying the popularity of Céline, as much in the United States, with her residence in Las Vegas and elsewhere on the planet is immense.

With a smile in her voice, Line Basbous finds as an explanation a prize list which would have been written by a trainee.

“What I have remembered since yesterday is this huge wave of planetary love for Céline. It checkmates the Rolling Stone charts,” she said.

Thirty-six hours after the publication of this list, the specialized magazine has not issued any comment or statement concerning the absence of Céline from its list published on January 1.

Built by the Rolling Stones team and its collaborators, this list was built from the originality, the influence, the depth of the catalog and the extent of the musical heritage of the singers and singers. It is specified that it is not centered on the quality of the voices and the vocal prowess.