The price of housing in Spain has stagnated in February after accumulating several months of slowdown in its growth, with a price index that has registered a slight monthly decrease of 0.1%, although it remains 6.4% above of the figures for 2022, according to the Tinsa IMIE General and Large Markets statistics.

The fall in prices in February was more pronounced in the Mediterranean coast region (-0.8%) and in the smaller towns in the interior and on the Atlantic coast (-0.5%).

In the capitals, large cities and metropolitan areas, the adjustment has barely reached 0.1%, while the price of housing has only risen in value on the islands, with a monthly increase of 1.6%.

On the contrary, with respect to the values ​​that were registered in February 2022, the price of new and used housing has increased in February throughout the Spanish geography. The metropolitan areas have registered the greatest year-on-year increase, 7.9%, followed by the capitals and large cities (6.5%).

Below the average growth of the General Tinsa Index (6.4%) were the smaller municipalities (6%), the Mediterranean coast region (4.5%) and the archipelagos (3.4%).

“The accumulated erosion of inflation in the purchasing power of households and the increase in the cost of financing limits general demand, especially in those households with lower incomes,” pointed out the director of Tinsa’s Research Service, Cristina Arias .

However, the directive has denied that the rise in the Euribor and its effect on the mortgage market will cause a “worrying deterioration in the payment capacity of families”.

On the other hand, new and used housing registered a cumulative decrease of 20.9% compared to the record prices observed in 2008, a drop that has become even more accentuated in the Mediterranean region (-31.4%), the municipalities smaller (-29.2%) and metropolitan areas (-23.1%).