It will be tax-based, updateable each year and will be published this Tuesday on the Ministry’s website
The Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Agenda, David Lucas, has announced that the reference price index to limit rental prices in stressed areas, which will be available from this Tuesday, will be a price range system, which will establish prices maximums and minimums for a home based on its characteristics.
Furthermore, this index will be homogeneous for the entire national territory, tax-based and will be updated every year, as indicated by the ‘number two’ of Housing in a press conference in which he reported on the publication of the Reference Price Index , a measure that the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel RodrÃguez, announced that it would be published before the end of February “yes or yes” so that it begins to be operational in March.
The reference price index for rental will consist of a system of ranges based on a series of characteristics of the home such as surface area, state of conservation, whether it has an elevator or not, parking, year of construction, common areas and others. characteristics that have the objective that homes “with less value” cannot increase their price when compared to homes of higher quality in the same area.
The Secretary of State for Housing has explained that this index is tax-based, so the latest income tax return of the different owners has been used, which in this year’s case will be 2022, and will be updated annually. with the last disposable income declaration.
This index will be available this Tuesday on the Ministry’s website, but a period of ten business days will be given to examine the proposals of each autonomous community to establish this index in their areas and, once examined and if everything is “correct”, The stressed area will be declared and from the established legal period – one or two days – the rental limit may be applied to the area declared as stressed.
An index that can “only” be applied if the autonomous community requests it, since the competence in housing matters lies with the autonomous communities. Currently, only Catalonia has asked to declare a stressed zone for 140 municipalities in the Community.
However, during the press conference, Lucas assured that other territories such as Asturias or Navarra have expressed that they would like to establish it in their territories, although they have not verbalized it to the Ministry or explicitly requested it. “I invite other communities to declare tense areas,” appealed the number two of Housing.