Very happy times, but also more painful times have filled the personal lives and social networks of artists from here over the past year. Here is our report.

Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse and Marc-André Grondin

Before giving birth to her son Lawrence in April, the muse of Revolution did not know the sex of the child, information that the actor also did not know. The young mother also made her fans wait five months before revealing the baby’s face.

Maripier Morin and Jean-Philippe Perras

A withdrawal from public life and a grip later, the host and actress has made room for a great novelty in her life: little Margot. It was the dad, the actor Jean-Philippe Perras, who was the first to welcome the child on social networks, also praising his better half.

Suzie Villeneuve

On the eve of Saint-Jean, Suzie Villeneuve officially became a mother when baby Edward showed up. The height of joy: she was able to live this event by being supported, supported and informed by her sister Lisa, a nurse.

Jonas and Carmen

Never two without three, they say. This is the case of Jonas and his beautiful, Carmen, the parents of a trio of children – one birth per year for the past three years – since October. To Lennon and Gloria Pearl was grafted little Morrison.

Luc Langevin

It was not a new illusion that the magician presented in October, but rather the little wrinkled foot of his daughter, who had recently arrived in the family. Luc Langevin and his lover, Esther L. Béland (to whom he paid tribute), offered a sister to their 4-year-old Victor.

Jeremy Demay

At 2 years old, little Loa, Jérémy Demay’s first child, became a big sister. The comedian and his wife, Marie, expanded their family over the summer when a baby was born whose name and gender were not disclosed.

Clement Jacques

A few days after the second birth of Cœur de pirate, his coach at La Voix, the singer tasted the joys of fatherhood for the first time. His lover gave birth to Rose-Adèle and, as the artist said, “It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in my life!” »

Pirate’s heart

Nearly 10 years after the arrival of her daughter, Romy, Cœur de pirate gave birth to a first boy named Arlo. Her duty as a mother did not prevent her from continuing to give shows and take care of Bravo musique, her artistic management company.

Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge and Emily Bégin

COVID will have made them wait two years longer than expected, but will not have prevented their flame from burning. They waited until October, at the church of Saint-Sauveur. Their lavish wedding – which was attended exclusively by 7 Days magazine – raised $40,000 for four foundations.

Jacob Roberge and Annie Payeur

Last year, it was the great adventure of Star Académie which was at the heart of the life of the young singer. But this year, the music was no match for the intimate ceremony he experienced in Thetford Mines, alongside the one who has shared his life for several years.

Bob the Chief and Victoria Charlton

With them, love did not take its time. In October 2021, we learned that the chef formed a couple with the youtuber and author. In May this year, the lovers got engaged, and just a few months later, in December, they got married in Portugal.

Nathalie Simard and Lévis Guay

This year, the singer and her man celebrated their 14 years of marriage, a stage that is called the wedding of lead. However, there is no lead in the wings of their couple. Quite the opposite, because they are looking forward to 2023 in order to renew their vows.

Anne-Élisabeth Bossé and Guillaume Pineault

After six years together, the actress and the comedian have drawn a line under this part of their life. Although it was “a difficult decision”, they remained “on very good terms”. However, we do not know if they were still a couple when they hosted their ComediHa gala! in August. Never mind, their work has not suffered.

Guy Jodoin and Edith

The host and his newest love were heading for 10 years of bliss. After having taken five years to present the one who made his heart beat, the master of the Cheat announced, in mid-October, to have become single again, having only good words for his former flame. “She’s a super good friend, an incredible friend,” he told 7 Days magazine.

Mariana Mazza

Failing to share the name of the one with whom she formed a couple for almost six years, the comedian did not hide, in October, being separated. The announcement came shortly before we learned that it was she who was hiding in the Bébéluga of the second season of Masked singers. “Actually, we’re not in love anymore, but we’re still best friends for life,” she told 7 Days.

Marie-Mai and David Lafleche

They worked together, created as a duo and gave birth to little Gisèle. All this in six years of intimacy. It was at the beginning of September that the ax fell on the couple. However, two years earlier, we learned that the singer no longer lived under the same roof as the musician, she who had become the owner of a house whose renovations were going to serve as the setting for the program Chez Marie-Mai.

José Gaudet and Andrea Babb

It took the host a few months to “deal with” his media breakup. In March, he and his ex went their separate ways, but it wasn’t until September, after receiving several messages from fans asking what was going on with his sweetheart, that he wrote that their story s was over after three years. Although he admitted that a separation was never easy, he wanted to reassure the public.

Rafaelle Roy and Joffrey Charles

The two singers of La Voix have not managed to avoid a second breakup this year. Active on social networks, the parents of two children have closed an important chapter in their lives. But impossible to know how they got there: “I will not explain the reasons why our paths parted, out of respect for my family. It is deeply difficult. But it’s better that way,” Rafaëlle Roy wrote on Instagram in September.

Cathy Gauthier and Francois Paradis

In love since 2009 and married for seven years, the comedian and the producer were at the heart of a break. Asked how she had done to lose weight, the mother of little Alice born in 2018 took advantage of her platform at the microphone of the morning meeting Le Boost!, on Energy, to open a door to her private life. Among other things, she spoke about the importance of resilience and adaptation when children are directly affected by a decision made by their parents.

Emilie Bierre and Justin Morissette

For several months now, Émilie Bierre no longer has Louis Morissette and Véronique Cloutier as in-laws. At the beginning of May, the actress made no secret of no longer living a romance with Justin Morissette, the son of the famous couple. “We were a couple for almost three years, but we are growing, we are evolving…”, summed up the young woman at Échos Vedettes.

Andréanne A. Mallette and Olivier Savoie Campeau

Since October, Andréanne A. Mallette has returned to what she describes as “essential”: herself and her friendships. The singer-songwriter and the drummer, in a relationship since 2018, have chosen to no longer take the same road. In addition to their intimacy, the two artists have also shared the stage many times.

Kim Rusk and Sansdrick Lavoie

The year 2022 will have marked the birth of the couple formed by former reality TV stars, but also its break-up, after some six months. The host and the one we discovered during the edition of Occupation double Bali made great mention of their loving complicity on social networks, then suddenly, the outpourings stopped. For only comment, Kim Rusk wrote: “[…] yes Sansdrick and me it is finished”.

Alicia Moffet

The end of 2021 had not been the happiest in the heart of Alicia Moffet, who had decided to separate from Alex Mentink, the father of her daughter, Billie Lou. But 2022 was much happier, because it allowed him to meet Frédérick Robichaud, candidate for OD in the West. Did this magic of fate inspire the song Run to You?

Jean-Philippe Wauthier and Emmanuelle Rochon

After a difficult separation that led to a divorce with the mother of his two children, love has once again knocked on the door of the host of Good evening good evening!. We do not know exactly when the beginning of this love story dates back, but at the beginning of May, we learned that the heart of Mr. beat for his stylist, Emmanuelle Rochon, well known to Quebec artists.