The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, UGT, CCOO and the CEOE have concluded the meeting for the second leg of the pension reform without an agreement, although the unions see “significant progress” and leave open the possibility that it will be closed coming soon.

The general deputy secretary of Union Policy of the UGT, Fernando Luján, has been optimistic and sees the pact “quite close”, in the absence of “small fringes” and “matters that are getting closer”, as he told the media after the meeting .

For his part, the CCOO Confederal Secretary for Social Security and Complementary Social Security, Carlos Bravo, has indicated that “significant progress has been made, but not on all issues.”

Bravo has also advanced that the Ministry will send a new text tomorrow and hopes to “resolve in the next few hours” the issues that distance them.

From the CEOE, the director of Labor Relations, Rosa Santos, has stressed that the businessmen see it as “impossible” to reach an agreement, although they will continue to make contributions until “the last text”.