The new Law on Sustainable Mobility will increase the financing of urban transport by a range of between 200 and 250 million euros per year, which will be between 600 and 650 million, according to the economic report of the draft of the preliminary draft of law, to which Europa Press has had access.

The law, recently approved by the Council of Ministers and which the Government expects to enter into force in 2024, establishes that its resources will be constituted, exclusively, within the General State Budget, and can only be increased by other income from taxes .

Bearing in mind that a part of the increase in green tax collection has already been committed to promoting public transport in urban areas, the Ministry estimates that the necessary amount referred to in the law will be of the order of between 600 and 650 million per year, which implies an increase of between 200 and 250 million euros in the current endowment.

Additionally, the State may contribute to the financing of transport services or mobility services that contribute to achieving the objectives of decarbonization, air quality, social protection or protection of the territories affected by the demographic challenge, even if these are not provided in the urban area.

One of the priority objectives of the standard is to modernize mobility with new technologies and contribute to decarbonizing transport, responsible in Spain for 27% of greenhouse gases, five points above the European Union average.

In addition, the bill includes new jobs to deal with all the new tasks that the standard implies, 52 specifically, with an estimated cost of more than one million euros. These positions are part of an Administrative Forum for Sustainable Mobility and a Superior Council for Sustainable Mobility, as well as in other areas of Transportation.

To undertake this reinforcement of personnel, the law provides for an “exception” to the rules established by the General State Budget, which indicates that any new action proposed by the ministerial departments may not entail a net increase in personnel costs greater than the authorized.

However, the project clarifies that a restructuring or the creation of new jobs is not proposed immediately, but that it will proceed to this effect when it is appropriate to update the structure decree of the Ministry itself, provided that it has the authorizations. necessary.

In this sense, the allocation of resources indicated does not have to occur at the time the law comes into force (scheduled for 2024), but may be progressive, over an estimated period of five years, since not all Planned activities may be deployed from the initial moment and, in some, the law itself provides for transitory periods.