The National Taxi Association (Antaxi), “from a constructive spirit”, has called off the demonstration scheduled for this Thursday in Madrid and has decided to postpone it to Thursday, June 29, after the meetings held with the Ministry of Transport.

“We received the commitment from the Ministry to carry out a text that orders the situation and we believe that it is the right thing on our part,” said the president of the association, Julio Sanz, while making it clear that “it is a postponement and the sector will return to the streets if there is no text in the coming days”.

For Sanz, the most important thing at this time is to contribute responsibly to achieving a standard that protects the sector and avoids the total liberalization of urban transport. In his opinion, it is “good news” that the Ministry has shown political will and its commitment to the sector.

“From the taxi we want to confirm our expectation that in these days the Government can finish closing a solution to the issues that are on the table. Consequently, we postpone the protest,” he said, after thanking the meeting held on the afternoon of June 21 at the Ministry of Transport.

During said meeting, Antaxi presented information related to the current situation of urban transport authorizations and warned of the concerns that the current situation entails for the sector.

And it is that, in his opinion, the uncertainty derived from the possible interpretations of the CJEU ruling can aggravate the situation to which the sector has been subjected, as well as the mobility of cities.

From Antaxi they affirm that “although the Ministry has shown a willingness to listen, a position that guarantees the stability of the sector and avoids the total liberalization of the VTCs has not yet been transferred to us.”

In the opinion of the president of the association, “the disposition of the Ministry is very valuable, and from Antaxi we want to correspond to it, but we understand that they have to continue working to close a text that gives guarantees and legal certainty to the more than 100,000 families of the that depends on the sector”.