73% of Spanish workers intend to stay in their current company, especially if they progress in their professional career, according to the “Global Workforce of the Future. 2023” survey carried out by the Adecco group.

Of this percentage, a third (36%) only plan to stay in their current company if they have access to training and career progression opportunities.

Specifically, 21% of them want to progress in their organization and 15% would like to improve their skills to access a new job in their company.

The survey reflects that the main reasons of employees for wanting to stay in their current job are stability (24%), the balance between work and personal life (19%), a good relationship with their colleagues (18%), the conditions jobs they enjoy (17%) and the use of their skills in that position (16%).

On the other side of the coin, 24% of Spaniards surveyed by Adecco do want to leave their company, especially for economic reasons.

Although 63% of employees in Spain believe that their company offers them fair remuneration, a quarter of those who say they want to leave their company state that their main reason for doing so would be a better salary (24%).

Following as reasons for quitting are having their own business (22%), progressing in their career (20%), because their job does not satisfy them (18%) or because they suffer from the ‘burnout’ worker syndrome, known as ‘burnout’. burnout’ (18%).

Regarding this last point, the survey reveals that seven out of ten Spanish workers have suffered burnout in the last year, with Spain being the sixth country with the highest symptoms of exhaustion at work.

47% of those surveyed say they feel ‘burned out’ from working too much and 44% say they have assumed more responsibilities after layoffs or the departure of colleagues, as well as a lack of support from company leaders (44%).