While the French prepare for their departure during the summer holidays, some european countries have announced the progressive reopening of their borders. Quatorzaine, conditions of entry, find the latest information about the outbreak of coronavirus and its impact on tourism, as well as the situation in Europe and in the world.
Summary Restrictions on travel Countries closed to the French in Europe In Asia In America In Africa In Oceania
[updated may 25, 2020 at 10: 06] the First destination of the French, for the holiday, Spain has announced this weekend that it will reopen its borders for tourists this summer. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime minister, has said in this meaning : “I announce to you that from the month of July, the entry of foreign tourists in Spain will be resumed safely. The foreign tourists can therefore plan now for their vacation in our country. We will ensure that tourists are not at risk and that they do not risk to our country”. According to the daily newspaper EL PAÍS, negotiations to establish corridors for safe between countries, (Germany, Uk, France and Italy), would be underway.
For his part, Jean-Yves Le Drian reaffirmed the words of Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe last may 19 at the microphone of LCI. The French will not be able to go on vacation to the international this summer and should stay in france or Europeans in function of the progressive reopening of the borders. Today, the Schengen border are closed to non-Europeans and the access to the French territory is subject to restrictions. “Those are closed and will remain closed. […] A country outside Europe may not return,” explained the minister of Europe and foreign Affairs.
Jean-Yves Le Drian also announced that France has put in place a quatorzaine on a “voluntary basis” since may 20, for travelers arriving from a country outside the EU. This measure concerns the French always abroad who wish to return home and is put in place “to protect themselves and their loved ones.” Regarding the progressive reopening of the borders in Europe, he explained : “What the world needs now, is to have a good coordination between all european countries so that gradually they can lead to the removal of controls, even if there will be controls in depth to continue in the long term.” The European Commission has presented, in this sense, a set of guidelines and recommendations aimed at helping member States to gradually remove restrictions on travel. It proposes “a phased approach and coordinated, starting with the lifting of controls between regions or member States with an epidemiological situation similar enough” and stress the non-discriminatory in nature : “where a member State decides to allow the travel on its territory, or to regions or specific areas of it, it should do so in a non-discriminatory manner, by allowing movements from all regions and areas or all countries within the EU who have knowledge of the epidemiological conditions are similar.”
To boost tourism, the Italian government will re-open its borders to european citizens as of the 3rd June. It also nullifies the mandatory quarantine for foreign visitors in the peninsula, according to official sources. These measures apply “in respect of the ties deriving from the legal order of the european Union”, states the press release. Austria and Germany have already made plans to recover from the 15 June to the free movement across the common border. This flexibility will allow the business trips and family visits. While Spain has just announced the reopening of its borders for this summer, the United Kingdom has announced this weekend the introduction of a quatorzaine required for travelers arriving from overseas from 8 June. This measure, which will be reviewed “every three weeks” , must accompany the déconfinement progressive in the United kingdom. Travellers in quarantine, at their home or hotel, will be subject to random checks, and violators risk a fine of £ 1,000 according to the british press.
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What are the restrictions of travel in the world ?
According to the latest report of the world tourism Organization (UNWTO), united Nations, countries all over the world have put in place restrictions on travel. “This is the most severe limitation of international travel ever observed in the history and, to this day, no country has lifted restrictions imposed in response to the crisis,” says the UNWTO. For the moment, therefore, it is not possible to go on holiday, by train or by car in a border country such as in an airplane thousands of miles away. According to the report dated 29 April 2020, of 217 destinations in the world, 45 % were closed, in whole or in part, their borders to tourists, 30 % were suspended, in whole or in part, international flights, 18 % ban entry to travellers from specific countries or having been in transit in specific travel destinations and 7 % will apply various measures, such as quarantine measures or self-isolation pendant 14 days, or measures related to visas.
Christophe Castaner has announced that the borders will be closed until June 15, within Europe, between european countries, except for the cross-border workers. The external borders of the Union will remain closed until further notice. According to the information of BFMTV, Emmanuel Macron has raised the issue of a closure of the borders of the Schengen area until at least September during a video conference with the social partners. An inter-ministerial committee has been scheduled on the 14th of may next, concerning the question of the revival of the tourism facilities in the country. In the meantime, the government encourages the French to plan their vacation over the national territory. In a press release, the European Commission has invited member States of the Schengen area and the associated countries to the Schengen to extend the temporary restriction on travel of non-essential to the EU an additional 30 days, until June 15 : “The lifting of restrictions on the movement should be gradual : as highlighted in the european roadmap common on the lifting of the containment measures, the internal border controls will have to be stopped in a phased manner and coordinated before the restrictions at the external borders may be relaxed, in a second phase.”
What are the european countries who close their borders to French ?