72 hours is now required for anyone wishing to cross the French land border to get to Spain. From June, tourists arriving in Spain with the European Union (EU) health certificate will be able to enter without having to undergo quarantines or provide negative tests

In Madrid, everything is open : bars, restaurants, cultural places and museums. However, everything closes at 21h in the evening and a curfew is decreed at 22h.Terraces are stormed while discos are also open. The wearing of the mask is mandatory for anyone over 6 years old, in public transport, in public spaces or in places receiving from the public, including hotels and shops, when a distance of one meter fifty cannot be respected between two people.  Any passenger wishing to travel to Spain by air must complete a personal and non-transferable form : once this form is completed and signed, the traveler will receive a QR code associated with his trip that he must keep on his mobile phone or print in order to pass the airport health check. Progressive deconfinement in Italy

Bars, restaurants, cinemas and theatres partially reopened on Monday 26 April in Italy. A large majority of the twenty regions are now classified in yellow, the lowest level of risk in the face of the pandemic. Bars and restaurants are allowed to serve on the terrace, and also in the evening, for the first time in six months, although the curfew starting at 22h still remains in force. In total, nearly 140,000 bars, restaurants, pizzerias and holiday cottages have reopened. Cinemas, theatres and concert halls can accommodate audiences up to 50% of their capacity.

As the Quai d’Orsay recalls in its travel advice, people entering Italy from France ” must present the negative result of a molecular test (PCR) or antigenic carried out less than 48 hours before the trip and report as soon as they arrive at the regional health authority. They must also undergo a 5-day isolation even if the first test is negative, at the address indicated to the health authorities (private address or hotel) and re-test at the end of the isolation. “

Prolonged confinement and restrictions in Germany

Germany has classified France as a “high-risk zone” in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to new restrictions on entry into its territory. The French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, announced that the device provided for ” more reinforced random health controls than existed so far, with mandatory tests and quarantine advised “. For cross-border workers, discussions are under way with the regions concerned to ” try to adapt these measures as best as possible and ensure that these employees are penalised as little as possible “. “But there will be an obligation of health tests,” he still noted.

The national incidence rate has risen above the symbolic threshold of 100 (to 103.9), which triggers “emergency brakes”, i.e. new restrictions at the local level. So much so that the relaxation of anti-Covid restrictions is no longer relevant. On the contrary: several German Länder (regions) argue for an extension of these measures. It is necessary for the country to “extend” until a date yet to be precisely determined in April all travel restrictions, the document insists.

The population must wear medical masks in shops and public transport, and a ban on travel more than 15 km from home is imposed in cities exceeding the incidence rate of 200 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. It is strongly recommended that travellers check with the Land of their place of stay which legislation is applicable and which exceptions are provided for.

Partial reopening of restaurants and bars in Belgium and authorized travel

Belgium will allow from 8 May the reopening of the terraces of bars and restaurants, closed since the end of last October. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced Wednesday that the government is taking a “cautious”approach. “The appearance of the epidemic has changed. We are not fighting the same virus as a year ago. The virus and its variants are now more virulent, more contagious and more aggressive,” he told a press conference. 

Schools reopened on April 19, also the day the ban on non-mandatory foreign travel was lifted. The Prime Minister, however, invited Belgians to travel as little as possible. The next step will be the reopening of hairdressers and non-essential shops on April 26, then that of second-hand shops, leisure parks and gyms (up to 25 people) from May 8.

Passengers arriving at Belgian airports from France are subject to a 7-day quarantine, with mandatory Covid-19 testing on the first and seventh days. Exceptions are provided for essential workers, students who have to take exams and residents who have gone abroad for professional reasons. All voya