ts indoors in the Netherlands

The lockdown ended on June 5 in the Netherlands with a new round of relaxations of coronavirus restrictions, including allowing restaurants to welcome customers indoors. Restaurateurs are now allowed to serve indoors until 22: 00 (20: 00 GMT). However, giant screens broadcasting Euro football matches will be banned, the Prime Minister said. Museums will be allowed to open with one visitor per square meter, and theaters and cinemas will be able to receive a maximum of 50 visitors.

Passengers travelling to the Netherlands by air must complete a health declaration form before boarding. In the event that a traveler has one of the symptoms listed in the health declaration form, he will not be accepted on the flight. This is also applicable for passengers in transit.

What conditions should be met in Greece ?

Gradual deconfinement is underway in Greece, including the reopening of museums, archaeological sites, restaurants, bars and outdoor cafes. Daily and inter-continental circulation is free. Access to the islands remains subject to vaccination tests or certificates. A strict curfew applies to the whole country between 00: 30 and 5: 00. Compliance with health instructions is mandatory, violators are subject to large fines and criminal prosecution.