Also request information from the Ministry of Transport, the Interior or the Treasury, and information about Delcy’s visit and flights in Falcon.

The PP has proposed in the Senate investigation commission on the so-called ‘Koldo case’ a wide list of documentation, such as the file of granting aid, credits and public guarantees to Air Europa, “especially those that were part of the rescue of the company”. In addition, they have demanded the appearance of Javier Hidalgo, former CEO of Globalia, while they have requested the file granted to a joint venture in which the Aragonese businessman Carlos Barrabés participated and which was supported by Begoña Gómez, the wife of the President of the Government.

Among the documentation required by the PP also includes the list of people who were at the Barajas airport on January 20, 2020 “receiving the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez”, as well as a copy of the aircraft flight logbook. assigned to the Presidency of the Government during the years 2019 to 2024, including data related to the “authority that requires the flight”, “people transported”, date or place of the flight.

The PP has made this extensive request for documentation in the Senate investigation commission along with a list of 56 appearing, among whom the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, does not appear “at the moment”, as indicated by the spokesperson for the Popular Group, Alicia Garcia.

Nor is the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, on that list, who is mentioned several times in the 40-page document related to requests for information that has been registered in the Upper House.

The Popular Group has finally summoned Javier Hidalgo, who was CEO of the Globalia Group – owner of Air Europa – and who maintained professional relations with Sánchez’s wife, according to information published by various media. In that list released by the PP to the media, his name did not initially appear, alleging that “there was a typing error in the first document that was registered,” according to party sources.

The Aragonese businessman Carlos Barrabés appears on the list of those appearing; Víctor de Aldama, president of Zamora FC and former advisor to Globalia; or the businessman Juan Carlos Cueto, investigated in the ‘Koldo case’ as the alleged ‘mastermind’ of the plot that obtained contracts during the pandemic for the supply of masks.

In the case of Globalia, the PP demands the “complete records of the granting of all aid, credits and public guarantees granted to Globalia, Air Europa and Avoris during the years 2020 and 2021, and especially those that were part of the rescue of the company”.

He also demands a copy of the contract signed by the company Air Europa with Víctor de Aldama, former advisor to Globalia and president of Zamora CF, “for mediating the recovery of an amount unpaid by the Government of Venezuela and its public or auxiliary companies,” and ” detail, if any, of the plane tickets paid by Air Europa to Mrs. Begoña Gómez Fernández”.

In addition, it requests the complete files of the contracts awarded in July 2021 to the “UTE INNOVA NEXT,SLU (BARRABÉS) AND THE VALLEY, by the DG of the Public Business Entity RED.ES, an entity attached at the time to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation” for the execution of training services in the amount of 4,400,000 euros, 3,000,247 euros and 2,833,936 euros.

The PP also wants “a copy of all the writings” of Begoña Gómez “addressed to the General Administration of the State, as well as to any of its entities, organizations or companies dependent on it or its public sector.”


The ‘popular’ also ask in the Senate for “complete records of the granting of aid from 2020 to 2023 by public entities to the IE Africa Center”, a center that hired the wife of the President of the Government as director in 2018.

They also demand a list of visits and meetings held by Begoña Gómez “with members of the diplomatic and consular corps, as well as with international organizations, companies or third sector entities from 2019 to date, including visits to countries on the African continent. “.

In addition, the PP demands “all information from the Complutense University about the Extraordinary Chair of Competitive Social Transformation” of Begoña Gómez and details about “its own Master’s Degree in Public and Private Fundraising Management in Non-Profit Organizations.”


Likewise, the PP requests information from the Ministries of Transport, Interior, Health or Finance, especially the contracts they made for masks during the pandemic. For example, the Bridge Department also demands “a copy of the audit ordered by the current minister in relation to the contracts awarded to Soluciones de Gestión y Apoyo a Empresas, S.L. by this Ministry.

In the case of the Interior, the PP makes a similar request regarding the contracts and documents related to the supply of masks, but also requests the “identification of the members of the State Security Forces and Bodies” who were present “in the device that received, accompanied and fired the Vice President of Venezuela” Delcy Rodríguez on January 20, 2020, including the people who accompanied former Minister Ábalos on that visit and all the documents that the Interior prepared at that time.

In the case of Health, request the contracts made by the Ministry for the supply of masks, disposable overalls, units of Covid diagnostic kits or units of swabs made with companies such as HONGKONG TRAVIS 20, HANGZOU RUINNING TRADING CO LTD, CHINA MEHECO or Value € Bro.


In addition, the PP asks the State Philatelic Commission for the complete file of the Agreement of the State Philatelic Commission, “by which the issuance of a stamp is decided to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of Zamora CF”, as well as the documents related to the contract awarded on April 30, 2020 by the state company Correos y Telégrafos for the supply of 4,750,000 FFP2 masks for the workers of the Correos group to the company GAMMA SOLUTIONS SL, for an amount of 14,296,906 euros.

The Ministry of Finance requests, among other documents, “a copy of the reports prepared by the Treasury Working Group created for the monitoring, control and systematization of information on contracts for the purchase of medical supplies due to the Covid pandemic.” “.

The PP, apart from requesting the appearance of Francina Armengol and Ángel Víctor Torres, who were presidents in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, requests all the documents related to the contracts made by their respective health services for the purchase of medical supplies from the company Soluciones de Management and Support to the Company.

In the case of the Balearic Islands, it also requests “the reports and documents of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Balearic Islands (OAIB) in relation to the purchase file from the company Soluciones de Gestión y Apoyo a Empresas S.L. by 1BSalut.”

And in the Canary Islands case, it claims the Report of the General Intervention of the Canary Islands “on irregularities in emergency contracts for the purchase of medical supplies”, as well as the report sent to the National Fraud Investigation Office (ONIF) “by the Director of Economic Resources of the Canarian Health Service, on purchases of medical supplies”, among others.