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The Granada chef Miguel Molina triumphs with his sustainable gastronomy proposal in the national final of the X Chef de Cervezas 1906 Challenge

Madrid, April 23 – Granada chef Miguel Molina from Molino del Puente in Dúrcal (Granada) and his proposal “Pajuna cow tendons in green pistachio garlic and Motril shrimp” has won the first prize in the Grand Final of Challenge X Beer Chef1906. This contest celebrated its grand national final this morning within the framework of the Madrid Gourmets Show.

This contest travels across our country with the aim of recognizing the efforts of chefs to introduce good practices in the processes they carry out in their establishments, thus forming part of a community that acts in favor of achieving a positive and conscious impact on society. . In this way, through this competition it challenges applicants to demonstrate not only their skill and creativity when presenting a recipe, but also the committed background behind its preparation.

The preparation by the chef from Molino del Puente (Dúrcal, Granada) was paired with 1906 LA PELIRROJA and had two Km0 products as star ingredients: the Pajuna cow and the Motril shrimp. In this sense, the Andalusian chef highlighted that the producers who supplied him with the ingredients “are almost neighbors, it is easy to find good raw materials around us.” Miguel Molina wanted to pay tribute, with his dish, to a typical preparation from his land. “We have made a reinterpretation of a recipe from our grandmothers.”

Second place went to Adrián Espiño, head chef at BIDO (A Coruña) with his proposal “Ravioli with stewed beef cheeks and tail, port and px sauce, Galmesan cheese” paired with 1906 BLACK COUPAGE.

In third place is Álvaro Ibáñez, from the Albor restaurant (Madrid) with his proposal “Toast of the ear with brava sauce from its cooking, pickled cabbage and crayfish”, paired with 1906 LA PELIRROJA.

The 6 finalists, winners of the different finals held throughout the national territory, presented their culinary proposals during the final, which took place this morning within the framework of the Gourmets Hall. Each gastronomic proposal had to be harmonized with one of the 1906 family beers. The winning chef has been awarded 2,500 euros.

The professional jury was made up of Tatiana Ferrandis, Journalist from La Razón, Pepe Solla, Chef and owner of Casa Solla (Poio, Pontevedra), Julen Bergantiños, Chef of Islares (Bilbao) and Winner of Desafío XCHEF 2023 and Juan A. Vitón, Beer Culture Technician at Hijos de Rivera.

Issuer: Hijos de Rivera

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