The Chancellor wants to reconcile the facts of science with the emotions of the opponent. Compliance with the climate agreement was a question of Survival.
Want to in the field of climate policy, all of the takeaway: German Chancellor Angela Merkel photo: Markus Schreiber/ap
DAVOS taz | German Chancellor Angela Merkel was held on Thursday at the world economic forum (WEF) in Davos, by a vehement plea for talks with dissidents. Both in international conflicts, as well as to respond to the dispute about climate policy in Germany, they recommended “not to withdraw yourself”.
the main theme of The 50. Forum the climate policy. Representatives of the Fridays for Future movement like Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer took part. In addition, the trade played conflicts between the U.S. government, represented by its President, Donald Trump, and other countries, as well as the taxation of international companies a large role.
In respect of the dispute with the US government, Merkel stressed that she will continue to “multilateralism”. The closing of international institutions such as the world trade organization (WTO). This would need to be reformed, as Trump did right, but you need to keep and also functional. Currently, the United States of blocking the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO.
A large part of the speech to climate policy took over. The Paris agreement to be observed, was a “question of Survival”, said Merkel. She acknowledged that the States could not reach the target, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, with their obligations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, “needs to act in the world together”, although it “should make each country its own contribution”. The attempt to reach Europe and Germany by 2050 climate neutrality, calling it “a Transformation of gigantic, historic proportions”. For this you would have to “the entire nature of the economies and life of the industrial age to leave” and come to “new forms of value creation”.
Merkel described the conflicts, the energy transition in Germany brings with it. A lot of people believed it was “urgent” to reduce CO2 emissions. There is tension between city dwellers and country dwellers, where you feel more stress, for example, by wind turbines. “How can we take these people?”, the Chancellor asked.
Although the climate change for you “clear scientific evidence” have had to reconcile these “facts” with the “emotions” of””, the climate policy rejected. “This requires that we speak to each other,” said Merkel. Even with the “controversial groups” need a replacement. For this statement, she received applause.
compared to the past years, the Protest against the WEF took this time. Climate change activists have organised a three-day trek to Davos, the young socialists organized a rally, Greenpeace called for an action to the end of the investment in fossil energy, and in Zurich there was a small street battle. In the Congress centre of the protests have been perceived, however little. This is due to the fact that the Forum forms a completed cosmos with stringent security controls. Many of participants go in the morning in and evening out. In addition, the Swiss police is doing everything to ensure that protests will hinder the event.