During works, which will begin at end of this year, will restore Cancer Institute and will be built a building with 30 new operating rooms

1.000 milion in 10 years to reform big hospitals in Madrid

Half a century after its opening, Hospital Gregorio Marañón begins ir particular ‘operation ‘ renew’. The Community of Madrid will spend € 40 million for construction of a building with 30 new operating rooms, and for comprehensive rehabilitation of its Cancer Institute.

As explained in regional ministry of Health, award of works that have a planned duration of between 18 and 22 months – is going to be done by “procedure of urgency”. Translated to time limits, forecast is that jobs start at end of 2018 and will be completed no later than beginning of 2021.

Later on, you will need to proceed to reform of hospital medical surgical, psychiatric facility, and queries are also within complex without stop providing as much assistance to patients. It is estimated that entire process will last around eight years, but its comprehensive implementation will depend on wher regional governments that come out of upcoming elections.

“These are first two works are to be carried out within a much more ambitious infrastructure that we have put in place in this legislature with one goal: to reform in a comprehensive way public network hospital of Madrid”, has identified this Wednesday president of Community, Angel Garrido at launch of project. “The objective in this particular case is to achieve facilities most avant-garde and humanized that adapt perfectly to future of healthcare innovation”, he stressed.

The new surgical block will have a surface area of 16,000 square meters and will be equipped with a 30 operating rooms with capacity to install robotic-assisted surgery. will Be located in current Pavilion Ambulatory Care and will allow to unify in a single space all interventions to be made at center prior investment of 20.6 million euros.

In case of Oncological Institute, built in 1968, will be rehabilitated 13,000 square feet of existing building, which will be expanded in anor 2,000 square feet. The performance, with a cost estimated at 19.2 million euros, will consist in rearrangement of different special, creation of more spaces with natural light and single rooms and improvement of accessibility.

The Gregorio Marañón is largest hospital of Community of Madrid. Has a workforce of 7,500 workers and its dependencies, everyday around 17,000 patients.

His reform -it opens as actual-to-budget – is included within plan of renovation of large health centers, announced by regional Government with a planned investment of 1,000 million and a run to 10 years, what made groups of political opposition, it consider a ‘toast to sun’.
