On 55 anniversary of signing of Élysée Treaty, Bundestag has called for a deepening and renewal of Franco-German friendship. At a special meeting attended by members of Parliament and President of French National Assembly, MEPs demanded in a resolution a “reaffirmation and deepening” of Franco-German friendship, including a recast of The corresponding Friendship agreement of 1963. An identical resolution is to be adopted by French National Assembly this evening.

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On 22 January 1963, n Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and n French President Charles de Gaulle had signed so-called Élysée Treaty and thus, eighteen years after end of Second World War, friendship of formerly hostile countries Sealed. A new edition of this Agreement will be signed later this year, according to will of parliaments and also of two governments. At weekend, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron had promoted a deeper cooperation in economy, society, politics and technology.

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In celebration of Assemblée Nationale, Bundestag president Wolfgang Schäuble praised Franco-German friendship as a “gift from history”. The CDU politician said in his speech held in French in National Assembly, 1963 signed Friendship Treaty changed relations of both countries for good. “We want to continue to write success story of Franco-German cooperation in an increasingly complex world,” he said. Both countries would have a special responsibility in EU: “As German and French, we want to move on.”

No applause from AfD

Previously, French President of parliament, François de Rugy, had already acknowledged bilateral relations during his visit to Berlin: “France and Germany are no longer just a few. Our two countries are a family. ” In his speech held in German in Bundestag, Rugy said that Franco-German relations are “foundation” of Europe, which is threatened by “populism and nationalist movements.” With a view to goal of a new Élysée treaty, Rugy said that it was a question of “honoring what has been achieved so far, to analyse current situation clearly and to prepare ourselves specifically for our future”. The text of resolution is “faithful to ideas of Élysée Treaty: it looks into future.”

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The members of se four groups voted for resolution that Union, SPD, FDP and Greens had brought into Bundestag. The AfD and some members of Left faction voted against it. The AfD criticized action as “hypocrisy”, as “a furr erosion of national sovereignty of our country” and refused to guest of honour Rugy applause for his speech. AfD Group chief Alexander Gaula said that effort for celebrations was not justifiable. The left had previously submitted its own application. Her group chairman Sahra car-servant criticised in her speech social and tax dumping in Europe.

As cool as right-wing populists in Bundestag had received Rugy, ir French colleagues were as cool as y were: So Schäuble was received with much applause at National Assembly. The right Populistin Marine Le Pen, however, remained demonstratively seated. Previously, head of right-wing extremist front had once again criticized European Union, which “uses almost exclusively Germany.”

“Europe and world are waiting”

In a routed emotional and controversial debate, a number of members, among m union Bundestag group leader Volker Kauder, suggested similar sounds to ir guest of honour from France. “Europe will only have a good future without nationalism,” said CDU politician Kauder, announcing German-French projects for digitisation and creation of artificial intelligence. SPD Bundestag group leader Andrea Nahles called for a “new departure for Europe” and praised French President Macron’s reform proposals as a “great Proeuropean signal”. Europe must be a “project of cosmopolitan openness and tolerance”.

In a much-acclaimed speech at Paris University of Sorbonne, Macron had made far-reaching proposals for a “new founding” of European Union – and is now waiting for formation of a federal government to implement plans toger with Berlin as much as possible. Bundestag chief Kauder went directly to this in his debate and promised a “quick response” to French head of state. Bundestag president Wolfgang Schäuble also said that Germany’s “friends and partners in Europe and world” were waiting for a “fully capable government”.