in the future, it should be possible to test the people contacted by the ” contact tracers “, even if they have no symptoms of Covid-19, and even test them doubly, said Tuesday the minister of the walloon Health Christie Morreale in commission of the Parliament of Wallonia. A new strategy has been set last Saturday at a meeting with the First minister Sophie Wilmès, the prime ministers and the various ministers of Health, she detailed.

Read also Large format – From a simple cough in the tracing: route to a test screening

The principle has in any case already been fixed : “use two tests in order to reduce the quarantine of 5 days if they are negative “. Remains to define which days exactly these tests will be conducted, taking into account the incubation period of the virus. We speak here of the ” contact persons “, as provided by people as having recently been in contact with them. Therefore, they are at risk of having been contaminated too, and are contacted by telephone by the “contact tracers” regional. So far, these do not refer necessarily to a screening test, if the person does not show symptoms of illness. A quarantine was recommended.