CLEVELAND, Ohio — Sunday, Senator Chuck Schumer choked back tears as he denounced President Trump’s Immigration EO, while standing with an impacted family.

“This executive order was mean-spirited and un-American. It was implemented in way that created chaos and confusion across the country,” said Schumer.

Predictably, Trump responded like a 7-year-old instead of a 70-year-old president of the greatest democracy in the world.

“I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears”, said Trump on Monday.  “I’m going to ask him who is his  acting coach ’cause I know him very well.   I don’t see him as a crier.  If he is, he’s a different man.  There’s about a 5 percent chance, but I think they were fake tears.”

There’s 100% chance that Donald Trump is the most immature and thin skinned 70-year-old ever to serve as president.

At least Trump didn’t do a mocking imitation of Schumer like he infamously did of a disabled reporter just doing his job.

Schumer named after Ellis Island

If Trump really knows Schumer as well as he claims he does, he would know that Schumer’s middle name is Ellis, after Ellis Island.   It’s an indication of how important immigration issues are to Schumer and to his parents, who named him after the monument that symbolizes everything great about America.   It’s an indication that the tears Schumer fought back were indeed genuine.

Trump’s penchant for vindictive, juvenile, belittling is unnecessary and unproductive.  We saw another example of it when Trump not only fired acting AG Sally Yates he went further to needlessly impune her character and service.

The Trump administration said Yates “Betrayed” the Department of Justice.   Yates was a 27 year DOJ prosecutor who served both Republican and Democrat administrations.  Trump thought so much of Yates he asked her to stay on until Sessions was confirmed. 

Yates, it turns out, did exactly what Jeff Sessions said she should do during her 2015 confirmation hearing.    Session quizzed  Yates on whether she would have the courage to say ‘no’ to president Obama if he ever asked her to do something she thought was improper or indefensible. 

All Trump or Spicer needed to say was that Yates was leaving over a policy disagreement and we thank her for her 27 years of government service.

Trump’s announcement of his choice for the U.S. Supreme Court demonstrated that he is capable of acting dignified and presidential.  So far, those moments have been too few.

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