The CD&V was filed on Tuesday night, sixty amendments to its proposal for a law relating to various provisions in the field of justice. It removes from the text a series of controversial provisions, in particular on the generalization of the written procedure or the wider use of videoconferencing in criminal matters.

The goal of this text is to make sustainable measures included in a royal decree of special powers taken by the government in the context of the crisis of the Covid-19. Several representatives of the judiciary were mounted in the niche, including bodies representing the judiciary or bar associations. An opinion of the advisory Council of magistracy, published in our columns, denounced the reforms as unfair, hasty and counter-productive on several aspects. Tuesday, always in The Evening, the president of the Court of cassation, Jean de Codt and mp PS Özlem Özen were going in the same direction. The message seems to be past : the amendments tabled by the CD&V remove 37 items. The christian democrats wish however that debate may be conducted in the coming months on the proposed measures.