“what about The deficit? We do not obsesionemos with decimals”. In this way, what should constitute a frontier impregnable to defend the so-called Budgets of the Village before the alleged bureaucracy european, happens to be a minutia that should not pose any obstacle to negotiate with the EU. Matteo Salvini, League leader and Italy’s deputy prime minister opened the door for substantial changes. His partner, Luigi Di Maio, the leader of the Movement 5 Stars (M5S), which only a few days he explained in an interview in THE COUNTRY that would not allow to touch or a euro of the basic issues of accounts expansive Italian, you agree to also prolong the dialogue with the EU that managed to open the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, the last Saturday in Brussels.

This Monday, when the president of the Central bank European (ECB), Mario Draghi, warned of the risks to the Eurozone of domestic policies unsustainable, Salvini was the one who spoke most clearly to the issue in an interview with AdnKronos. “If budgets do grow to the country, the deficit may be 2.2% or 2.6%… it is Not a problem of decimals, but of seriousness and concreteness”. But in the ranks of the M5S there is also a softening of the position regarding the deficit. “As we have said, the issue is not numbers, but the citizens”, stressed Di Maio. A position requested by Conte after his meeting in Brussels with the president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, who returned with force to the Bag and precipitating the risk premium by up to 285 basis points, compared to the 301,2 of the opening. Its lowest point since last October 5 and away from the 339 basic points that reached to the middle of last month.


Luigi Di Maio: “The carnage social, which asks for the EU is not possible” The European Commission has launched against Italy a process of sanctioning unprecedented and Italy remained the mule to Brussels and shall not modify the budgets

ongoing Campaign

The change of trend, however, may not be taken as a reality until you have gestures that is robust and accounts passed by the Chambers. The idea on that pointed to some sources that might work would be to postpone a few months the application of the Income of Citizens and the reform of the Pension Law. With this you would win around two decimal places. A fact that the Executive is not clear that contentase to Brussels, but that would be a clear step forward in the negotiation.

The problem is that the Executive Italian lives in an electoral campaign permanent. The coalition governs united the country, but competes in the territory, village by village and with a view to making the european elections, articulating discourses often antagonistic. Live with an eye on the polls and another in the markets often leads to dissonances policies formulated with few hours of difference in the bosom of the Executive. The balance seems to be getting more complicated between the two formations. But this time both leaders have shown signs of wanting to find a solution to avoid the infringement procedure opened against Italy.

The M5S, until a few days ago much more closed to changes, fears of a growing crisis of Government leading to early elections. At the beginning of the year will see the first economic results and the Executive —and the public— will know if it is capable of dealing with the issue of securities. If they go wrong, given the numbers now don’t add up to the grillinos, to whom the League he already has seven points in estimation of vote. The party of Salvini would get around 33% of the ballots, which would allow him to govern by forming a coalition with the centre-right, the space is ideological, which was presented to the last election.