Louis Michel, former minister and former european commissioner, was the guest of “Morning First” this Thursday, with the program : the colonization. In 2001, the man had also chaired the belgian delegation at the world Conference of the United Nations against racism. For him, the debate must be appeased, far from being a ” question passionate “.

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The death of George Floyd in the United States, has placed the fight against racism to the foreground, everywhere in the world. “This is a debate that we should have had long ago, it comes a little late. When, under the government of Guy Verhofstadt, we have apologized to the family of Lumumba, and that we asked in Rwanda, we wanted to show that our colonial role, our role as the colonizer did not only aspects civilizational “. Excuses that are made very late compared to the past. He explains that ” the policy is responsible before the history of what he has done and what has been done “.