WASHINGTON — Soon after Twitter fanatic Donald Trump became president,  dozens of accounts purporting to represent federal agencies sprang up to critique his policies.

Many of them — such as an unauthorized NASA Twitter account that currently has 858,000 followers — said they were founded out of concern the new administration will stifle scientific research and bury data that disagree with its political views. Those fears were stoked when Trump appointees ordered multiple federal agencies to restrict their public communications.

Alternative NOAA Twitter account pops up in response to Trump’s EPA ‘gag order’

If (when?) the time comes that NASA has been instructed to cease tweeting/sharing info about science and climate change, we will inform you.

— Rogue NASA (@RogueNASA) January 26, 2017

Even Cuyahoga Valley National Park has its own “unofficial resistance page,” with  close to 200 followers so far:

Building a wall would disrupt many species migratory patterns and decrease genetic diversity https://t.co/tZ49ai6AdN

— Alt Cuyahoga Valley (@altcvnpnps) January 26, 2017

The rogue Twitter phenomenon includes several accounts that are purportedly written by White House employees. Enough people are interested in the behind-the-scenes Trump gossip that “Rogue Potus Staff,”  which first tweeted on Jan. 26, has more than 700,000 followers.

POTUS gloating about showing press “who’s in charge” today, telling everyone that “That’s how it’s done. You don’t give them an inch. (cont)

— Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff) February 3, 2017

“They’re gonna report how we want, or they get no access. Let them come after me. Let them. We’ll see what they do when their ratings drop.”

— Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff) February 3, 2017

Here are some of the newly-established Twitter accounts that say they’re part of the federal workers’ guerilla effort, and their subscription numbers so far:

The self-described “Unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has bout 338,000 followers on its Twitter feed.

Noticed a #climateSplain er (not named) calling @altUSEPA a “fake news” site. So, we’re alt-alt-science. Ok. We’ll wear that badge. Thanks.

— altEPA (@altUSEPA) February 5, 2017

A Twitter account that says it represents the “unofficial, and unsanctioned, #Resistance team for the U.S. Forest Service” now has about 295,000 subscribers.

This quote has had a life of it’s own for many, many years. Yet seldom since its utterance has it ever been more appropriate. #keepitpublic pic.twitter.com/yfEwdtPZt8

— AltForestService (@AltForestServ) February 5, 2017


An alternative agriculture department account that pledges to resist “the censorship of facts and science” during the Trump administration has 225,000 followers:

Oops! The Trump USDA’s animal welfare info blackout violates the terms of a 2009 settlement and court order! https://t.co/DlmvSXUgqH #resist

— AltUSDA (@altusda) February 6, 2017

An alternative Health and Human Services account bills itself as “the official unaffiliated resistance account by concerned scientists for humanity,” with roughly 187,000 followers:

The risks to Trump’s “Cut Two Regulations Per New One” are very real. The FDA regs exist for very good reasons #fda https://t.co/DAsHN98Qim

— Alternative HHS (@AltHHS) February 4, 2017

An account that says it’s produced by Centers for Disease Control employees has 179,000 followers:

RT’ing from Alt_CDC b/c we believe ignorance qualifies as a disease. And we ‘all about dat’ disease control.[?] [?] [?] #FactsMatter @ScienceMarchDC https://t.co/kTS2JNkvUa

— Alternative CDC (@Alt_CDC) January 31, 2017  

A rogue account that says it’s “not FDA but close enough we can micro swab them” has 173,000 followers:

So, this happened…
Trump pledges fewer regulations, more competition for drugmakers – https://t.co/itLQWQnvoPhttps://t.co/FGswj6TbdP

— AltFDA (@alt_fda) February 1, 2017

The account representing the unofficial “resistance” team of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration now has around 119,000 subscribers:

Ohio’s Cuyahoga River use to catch on fire quite a bit. Rivers that burn. We have to have the #EPA, no question.https://t.co/bfuGBzxvkV

— Alternative NOAA (@altNOAA) February 6, 2017

A dissident State Department account critical of Trump has more than 100,000 followers:

Dangerous rhetoric continues. You don’t blame a judge for following the law. #Resist https://t.co/xVwjgIAYBl

— Alt Dept of State (@AltStateDpt) February 5, 2017

Whoever set up this account that purports to represent education employees isn’t happy with Trump’s nomination of Betsy DeVos to head the department. The account has more than 92,000 followers

Or, you know, any of the acronyms. Or laws. Or basic ed concepts. But she *does* know how to buy votes. #DumpDevos https://t.co/3aCnxRHJA0

— Alt Dept of ED (@Alt_DeptofED) February 6, 2017

An alternative U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service account says it’s “dedicated to intersectionality of people, conservation, protection and enhancement of fish, wildlife, plants & habitats,” as well as fighting bad policies. More than 63,000 people follow it. 

Ok Whiny Donald [?] #whinydonald #resist #ShowMeTheData https://t.co/iKSlTHSIAi

— AltUSFWS (@AltUSFWS) February 6, 2017

Around 49,000 people follow “the unofficial #resistance team of the US Arctic Research Commission.”

Myron Ebell on Global Warming: People move to Phoenix because warm is good as long as we have air conditioning. https://t.co/LSlK2RyewS

— AltUSARC (@AltUS_ARC) January 28, 2017

An account that claims to be set up by Treasury employees says it’s there in case Trump appointees try to stifle its official communication channels. So far, it’s got 38,000 followers.

We’re hopeful the @USTreasury account won’t suffer the same fate as other agencies. If so, we have @alt_treasury waiting in the wings…

— AltTreasury (@alt_treasury) January 26, 2017

An alternative Department of Homeland Security account with more than 35,000 subscribers says it is “keeping America safe from within our borders. Not affiliated with DHS. #resist

So many studies show that immigrants commit less crime, but “facts” still don’t apply to Donny. #resist https://t.co/c72xkDIYIp

— AltHomelandSecurity (@AltHomelandSec) February 6, 2017

An “Alt FBI” account with more than 31,000 followers says it serves “an alternative form of justice. Not affiliated with the FBI, U.S. govt or its employees. Come for fact-based justice and policy-related information.”

Trump has already violated, undermined, put at risk or interfered with an unconscionable amount of human rights: https://t.co/YlWObyCPOp pic.twitter.com/o2paqvUCwD

— alt FBI (@altFBI) February 3, 2017

An account that claims to be “an unofficial look at the post-truth Department of Labor” has more than 34,000 followers:

BREAKING: POTUS is drafting an EO so that in this year’s Super Bowl, the team with the losing score actually wins #SuperBowl #PopularVote

— Alt_Labor (@alt_labor) February 5, 2017


Angry National Park, with more than 24,000 followers says “climate change info exists here. Information that betters the human condition exists here. Also, satirical inquiry. Resist with a smile. #makenoise:”

#resistKellyanne pic.twitter.com/2YGjUtxn9G

— Angry National Park (@AngryNatlPark) February 3, 2017

An alternative Federal Emergency Management Agency account bills itself as “unofficial real talk from your Friendly Earthling Management Agency (FEMA).” It has more than 22,000 followers:

Now we’re detaining prime ministers?https://t.co/P3Soi03Xnu

— Rogue FEMA (@rogueFEMA) February 3, 2017

AltSmithsonian has more than 16,000 followers. It says it’s dedicated to “science, progressive art and criticism, inclusive American history and world culture – what Smithsonian missions are we forgetting?”

So many people to fire! So many tweets to send! And on a weekend in #MarALago, too! #Sad! https://t.co/IW6wsNH7WE #Resist #NoBanNoWall

— AltSmithsonian (@AltSmithsonian) February 4, 2017

The rogue Office of Personnel Management account, with about 1,400 followers, says “Trump runs a Federal workforce he doesn’t like. We’re here to tell you about the good work they do–even if he won’t let @USOPM do it. Unofficial Account:”

When does @POTUS believe America was great?

— Rogue OPM (@RogueOPM) February 4, 2017


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