salafism, the extreme right and the students in chinese military are the main challenges for the belgian company, according to the Security of the State, including the annual report, released Thursday, evoked by the newspaper ’La Libre Belgique’ and ’The Last Hour’.

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The Safety guarantees in his report continue to monitor religious extremism, which it considers a “fertile breeding ground” for terrorism, that is not the only factor explaining the passage to the act. She is particularly concerned about ” the strong growth in Belgium of the current madkhaliste within salafism “, considered to be “totalitarian, racist and undemocratic” and “a serious threat to our inclusive society” as it tends to isolate the individual and his family to the belgian company. The Safety of the butt also islamism, Turkish, embodied by the party of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the ruling justice and development party (AKP). Finally, the intelligence service of the civil guard to the eye of the muslim brotherhood, non-violent, but are discreetly in the entrisme in the political parties.