the tracing of The Covid-19 in Belgium is orchestrated virtually by one man, Frank Robben, who has written the royal decree laying down the conditions of the follow-up of contacts of patients affected by the coronavirus, reveals a survey by the magazine, Wilfried published on Friday. The official is still at the heart of multiple suspicions of conflicts of interest, writes the magazine. Its mandate to the Authority for the protection of data (APD), a place of counter-power, is also illegal.

At the request of the government, Frank Robben, a member of the task force “Data Against Corona” and the head of multiple entities through which the data passes through private health and social security, drafted at the end of April a draft royal decree controversial. The text provides a framework in tracing manual and digital patients of the Covid-19, including via call centers that feed into a central database, managed by the Institute of public health Sciensano.