Tens of thousands of demonstrators have declared ir claim to Greek sole rights in port city of Thessaloniki at a major rally in name of Macedonia. “Macedonia is Greek and only Greek” or “only we are true Macedonians” chanted people who came from all parts of country with buses. The demonstrators gared around a statue of Alexander Great, most famous king of ancient Macedonia.

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The demonstration had called for nationalist-oriented and right-extremist organizations. Most of Greek parties, mayor of Thessaloniki and leadership of Orthodox Church of Greece were against demonstrations of this kind. The police estimated number of participants to 50,000 people.

Blockade of EU accession talks

The name dispute between Ans and Skopje has lasted since 1991. Greece wants Macedonia to change its name because norrn part of Greece also bears name of Macedonia. The government in Ans is refore blocking start of EU accession talks as well as NATO membership of neighbouring country. Macedonia is being held at United Nations with bulky name “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.

The conflict dates back 27 years when former Yugoslav Republic of Yugoslavia declared its independence and chose name of Macedonia for itself. From point of view of Greece, however, name Macedonia is part of Greek national heritage; In this perspective, it suggests a claim to norrn Greek province of same name. Thessaloniki is capital city of Macedonia and second largest Greek city.

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The UN special intermediary Matw Nimetz had stated that governments in Ans and Skopje had shown that y wanted to find a solution. According to media reports, Nimetz has submitted five name proposals, all of which contain word Macedonia, including “Norrn Macedonia” and “New Macedonia”.

The Greek head of government, Alexis Tsipras, was prepared to compromise: it is logical that name Macedonia could be contained in new name with a geographical or temporal definition. “It would be national nonsense to not use this opportunity,” said Tsipras of Anian newspaper Ethnos.