The event, with motto ‘living toger against violence’, became a new claim of catalans contrary to separatism

The demonstrators, with cries of ‘we are All Lydia’, waved Spanish flags and Tabarnia

The judge set free with charges, and restraining order on perpetrator of a woman who took relationships

In same site as Lydia, woman of Russian origin, was attacked last Saturday, when he went with his family to remove ties yellow, more than a thousand people are focused to park of Ciutadella in Barcelona to show ir support as well as to express ir rejection to violence. Citizens called is concentration, as husband of attacked militants of this training, attended by ir principal leaders: Albert Rivera and Inés Arrimadas, as well as numerous party officials. The leader of formation orange in Catalonia said that it seems incredible that independents have contested version of aggrieved about what happened last Saturday.

Rivera and Joined to were hailed with cry of “president” and “president”. The president of Citizens accused Pedro Sanchez of “abandoning millions of catalans” to “social fracture and rupture of coexistence” in Catalonia and also requested president of Generalitat, Quim Torra, “correct” and remove symbols “ideological and independence” of public spaces and institutions that “are all”

The event, with motto ‘living toger against violence’, became a new claim of catalans opposed to separatism, which saw numerous Spanish flags and some of Tabarnia as well as posters lamenting aggression of Lydia. The Urban Guard figure in 600 people number of attendees.

To concentration, in which were heard cries of “we are All Deals”, was joined by representatives of PP, as mp Dolors Montserrat or president of group ‘popular’ in City of Barcelona, Alberto Fernández Díaz, who came back to complain to mayor Ada Colau be present as a charge in judicial proceedings opened by this alleged aggression, as re are allegations exchanged between woman and man that supposedly hit her. All have contributed a part with injuries y suffered as well as corresponding complaint before police: in Mossos him and to National Police.

In statements to media before start of rally, spokesman of PP in Congress, Dolors Montserrat, which has also been increpada by some participants, has blamed president of Government, Pedro Sanchez, by “omission and neglect of his duties”, “increase of rupture of coexistence” in Catalonia, as reported by Efe. The former minister, who accused Sánchez of being a “friend and accomplice of pro-independence”, has urged chief Executive to park in “passivity” of Government and to protect catalans who defend “unity, law and coexistence.”

re were Also representatives of or political formations as well as entities constitutionalists, such as Societat Civil Catalana or d Espanya i Catalans that y wanted to express ir rejection to violence, and demanded neutrality of public space.

in Addition to lamented that Mossos d’esquadra are devoted to identify persons who removed ties yellow by political nationalists imprisoned for being prosecuted for rebellion, but not to those that put m.

at The beginning of concentration, some of participants increparon to representatives of media that recorded images of event, among m a camera of Telemadrid tv station, and re was some small altercation.

we Confirm that our chamber has been assaulted and has received 4 punches, because some of those present believed that wearing a yellow ribbon in camera. Paradoxically, it was a demonstration to protest against an assault. More information at 20.30 in TN2

? Javi Gomez (@javigomezTV) August 29, 2018

According to explained to Efe by own camera, assault has begun when camera has asked a lady to stop record and to give him blows in legs, as to see wearing a yellow garment has been thought that working for TV3. The victim, who has been cared for by an ambulance, has explained to Efe that he will present a complaint for events and has detailed that in addition to being assaulted has been insulted and has heard shouts of “Out-TV3”.

The concentrates also shouted cries of rejection of presence of agents of Mossos d’esquadra with such expressions as “ye are Not our police,” or “Where were 1-Or?.
