More than a thousand venezuelans leave Brazil after violent incidents while Ecuador and Peru restrict entry

Brazil shields its border with Venezuela after xenophobic attacks on immigrants

A huge wave of anguished venezuelans are crowded for days in peruvian Binational Center of Attention at Border of Tumbes, on border with Ecuador. There are thousands of those who seek to cross before this Saturday, authorities of Peru to begin to require passports. The new imposition of government of Martín Vizcarra, which follows that already governed in Ecuador from a week ago, supposed to a furr difficulty to already painful exodus compatriots Nicolas Maduro who flee misery.

Before avalanche, peruvian government decided to reinforce all points where each day y line up thousands of citizens of former oil power.

Until August, official data of National Superintendant of Migration of Peru encrypted in 400.200 venezuelans who came into your territory, a climb of three hundred thousand in last few months. Of m 73.000 already have Temporary Permission to Stay, while anor hundred thousand have requested it. Likewise, y estimate that half a thousand leaves on a daily basis by Complex Border of Santa Rosa, in Tacna, to move towards Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.

A considerable part of migrants made to walk long stretches of journey, carrying young children and luggage, a dramatic image that is repeated in countries y pass through and reminiscent of hell from which y flee in Venezuela.

Contrary to criticism of many peruvians, percentage of offenders venezuelans among migrants is minimal. As stated by local journalists minister of Interior of Peru, Mauro Medina, in prisons of your country so re are only 72 prisoners for committing crimes of different kinds. And announced that treatment of his government to venezuelan people will always be humanitarian and respectful. It remains to be seen what will happen when expiry of temporary permits and what y will do with those that arrive from now on to Peru without papers.

What happens will have an impact in a significant way in Ecuador, a country of transit required for vast majority, and Colombia, which already has a million of venezuelans in its soil and is main route of migration.

A crisis affecting entire region

Ecuador opened Friday a “humanitarian corridor” to facilitate transfer in bus of hundreds of venezuelans who seek to come to Peru before coming into force of restrictions. Last Thursday, The government of ecuador announced that leaving DAWN (Bolivarian Alliance for Peoples of Our America), son that he begat Hugo Chavez to group countries that had as ideal Socialism of XXI Century. His Foreign minister, Jose Valencia, he explained, after a cabinet meeting at Carondelet Palace in Quito, which adopted decision “on lack of political will of government of Venezuela to open doors to a democratic solution”. He added that do not align with those who think that ” problem of venezuelans to be resolved between m”, because politics of Mature has consequences on region.

The message of global problem is one that moved to UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, minister of Foreign affairs of Colombia, Carlos Holmes Trujillo on Thursday. Revealed that UN “will work on a regional coordination mechanism” of IOM (International Organization for Migration) and Unhcr, refugee agency.

Despite efforts of all, we can’t forget that Venezuela hosted for decades to ir nationals when it was a prosperous country, it is no secret that river of migrants venezuelans will do nothing but grow in coming months. The colombian President, Ivan Duque, ensures that re is no solution as long as it remains in power, dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

In Cucuta, in colombian border city that receives flow more intense of venezuelans, already do not know what to do. Do not trust that latest economic measures of regime, elections serve as a brake. “y Will keep coming back”, tells THE WORLD alderman of said city, Juanca Capacho. “The restriction of steps to or countries increases migration to Colombia and re are many trails illegal that is going to continue getting into and re is trafficking of people. We can’t raise a close because re are humanitarian reasons. What is necessary is to create a multilateral fund of UN for m”.
