Frontex places Spain as main migratory pathway of entry into Europe

The Government uses a 1992 accord to expel 116 immigrants who jumped yesterday, fence of Ceuta

Excrement, quicklime and blood, new equipment to storm fence of Ceuta

vice president of The Government and minister of Presidency, Relations with Courts and Equality, Carmen Calvo, has defended this Friday, August 24, return to Morocco of 116 sub-saharan migrants that “y came in irregularly, and aggressive” after jumping fence of Ceuta, claiming that it is “unacceptable” violence that se were used on Bodies and State Security Forces in charge of border control in area.

“What’s anor day of Ceuta is unacceptable. The conditions of violence and risk to Bodies and Forces of Security of State is unacceptable,” said Calvo in a press conference following meeting of Council of Ministers.

According to number-two Executive, “within migration policy of European Union” we have proceeded to “activate” a bilateral agreement signed with Morocco in year of 1992 was “to not consent in any way to insecurity of borders” or “risk” of agents that are out re. It is a covenant of readmission of foreign nationals that allows you to proceed to return of people who enter irregularly in Spanish territory through borders with Morocco.

Calvo: situation of those who “assail” fence is “completely different” to those who arrive by sea

Calvo has emphasized “violent events” that happened last Wednesday in Ceuta during jump to fence. “Were launched substances that have caused injury to some members of Civil Guard,” he said, in reference to vessels used by migrants to be able to run jump and avoid agents who guard fence, which he thanked for ir professionalism

“we’re Not going to consent”

According to Guardia Civil, immigrants launched against police officers “excrement, cal life and acids”, among or elements, and seven of m were injured. “It is a situation that we are not going to consent”, has stressed Bald.

The vice president has underlined that legal status of se immigrants who “assaulted” border fence is “completely different” to people who are rescued at sea in framework of a humanitarian action. In this sense, has stressed that Government of Pedro Sánchez has “given sufficient proof” of his commitment to human rights and security at borders.

Also, has pointed out that immigration policy of Government is made in compliance with “strict” of international and national legislation and commitment to provide “a safety response and humanitarian”, always from respect for human rights and border security. “We have not changed even a single iota, in every circumstance or than one of arrivals to country,” he said.

Some of materials used in jump this Wednesday in Ceuta. | THE MUNDOAtendidos “one-to-one, with all guarantees”

with Respect to 116 migrants who were expelled to Morocco, vice president has stated that “have been addressed legally, with all guarantees characteristic of a State of Law.” As stated, all were informed of ir rights and y had a procedure for identifying “individualized”. On or hand, has stated that two unaccompanied foreign minors who jumped are in Spain and will receive attention that “corresponds”.

Calvo has confirmed that, according to him consists of Government, “none of m” asked for asylum in Spain. “We have moved strictly in framework of international legality”, has defended, for after claiming bilateral agreement with Morocco. “What we have enabled in this opportunity,” he said, stressing “good relations” with neighboring country of Morocco and asserting that it has been used “on or occasions”.
