The French leader suffers toro p, in addition to his low popularity and scandal over ‘Benalla’

Resigns minister of Ecology of France, without telling Macron

The end of honeymoon Macron at Elysée

The president of France Emmanuel Macronyou have started new course politico on wrong foot, after a hot summer for ‘Benalla’, scandal surrounding Alexandre Benalla, his former chief of security, who punched a protester during protests on 1 may.

In free fall in polls, announcement of resignation by surprise of his minister of Ecology, Nicolas Hulot, is a new blow for Macron, in a moment in which he sought to relaunch reforms to government and to launch european project.

According to last poll of ‘Le Journal de Dimanche’, only 34% of French are satisfied with ir management, its lowest level since he came to power in may 2017. The French head of State is less popular than Nicolas Sarkozy in same period.

The management of ‘Benalla’ has made a dent in his popularity but also his way of governing. His detractors accuse him of being arrogant, lack of empathy, of not listening and of being an absolute monarch and act as such.

“I have taken decision to leave Government,” he said on radio station France Inter Hulot, number three in government and one of ministers most of media. To Macron and his prime minister Edouard Philippe y had to choke breakfast while hearing live words of Hulot. The minister of Ecology y had not been warned that he was going to resign.

“I Know that is not very formal,” he said Hulot, who explained that he feared that if he said, trying to convince him to not to resign. The Government spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, lamented his “lack of courtesy” by not communicating it before ir bosses.

“I’m going to take, for first time, most difficult decision of my life. I’m not going to lie to you more. I don’t want to give illusion that my presence in Government means that we are at height of challenges,” said Hulot, who confessed that she felt “very alone” when it comes to managing portfolio on environment in Government of Macron. “We were means to height of our goals,” he said Hulot.

Macron stated that he “respects” decision “personal” Hulot. “If I chose to Nicolas Hulot 15 months ago is because it is among or things a free man and I respect his freedom,” he said in Copenhagen (Denmark), where he was visiting. “I want to tell with ir commitment of a free man and convinced, wherever y are,” added representative.

The resignation of Hulot came a day after Macron received at Elysee Palace to association of hunters, meeting at which was also present minister of Ecology. To Hulot did not like anything in meeting were present turned lobbyist Thierry Coste, a representative of hunters French. Hulot regretted ” presence of ‘lobbies’ in circles of power.”

Macron agreed to reduce by half price of hunting permit (from 400 to 200 euros) and reform of hunting, which worries environmentalists, because y consider that will allow you to hunt species that are now protected.

“do Not think that my resignation comes from a disagreement on reform of hunt,” said Hulot, but this is due to “an accumulation of disappointments”. Ensures that in his 15 months at front of portfolio environmental has achieved “small steps” but acknowledges that he has lost “faith”.

Hulot, who before entering Government was a well-known environmental activist and tv star, was one of signings star Macron. Before you say yes to Macron, Hulot had declined offer to form government of three presidents of Republic: Jacques Chirac, Sarkozy and François Hollande.

Among achievements of Hulot in his 15 months in Government stresses resignation of French Government to build airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes in western France. But not achieved progress we would have wanted in nuclear field, nor ban on glyphosate, a herbicide which has been classified by World Health Organization (WHO) as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Hulot, who had several months flirting with idea of leaving his portfolio, and hopes that his resignation will not serve to attack Government because it has “a profound admiration for Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe”. The number three in Government of Edouard Philippe also announced his decision to leave politics.

The resignation of Hulot stirred political waters. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a member of leftist party of The France Insumisa, consider that your disclaimer works as “a vote of censure against Macron”. “The decomposition of regime of Macron has begun”, according to Mélenchon.

chairman of The conservative party of French Republicans, Laurent Wauquiez, said he understood that Hulot has “felt betrayed” by Macron. “While Nicolas Hulot denounces subjection of government to Maastricht criteria, financial economy, economic model of ultra-liberal, puts finger where it hurts”, he wrote on Twitter far-right Marine Le Pen, leader of Reunification National.

resignation of The minister of Ecology did not surprise actress and defender of animals Brigitte Bardot. “He was unable to do anything. He had neir ability nor courage nor strength to do something,” said Bardot in newspaper ‘Le Figaro’. The French actress said this summer that Hulot was “a coward of first category” for his incompetence in defending cause animal and Hulot said that Bardot was a “demagoga”. Bardot attacked on Tuesday to Macron for ir “submission to hunters”.

After resignation of Hulot, starting in Paris, wonder about who could be his successor and political analysts wonder if Macron will take advantage of your departure to make changes in his cabinet, and appoint new ministers.

Among names being considered to happen to Hulot include Barbara Pompili, a former secretary of State of Biodiversity with Hollande, and François de Rugy, current president of National Assembly. Nor does it rule out a return of Ségolène Royal, former official candidate of Socialist Party for presidential election in France in 2007 and a former minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy in government of Hollande.
