The Turkish military has extended its operation against Kurdish troops in northwestern Syria. The Luftwaffe is attacking positions in Kurdish enclave of Afrin, said Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım. Previously, Turkish military had already begun a ground offensive that had been announced for days against positions of Kurdish militia YPG.

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The targets of air raids were YPG’s observational positions, reported state news agency Anadolu. Since beginning of air raids 108 of 113 positions of YPG have been taken. There were also deaths and injuries, which, according to Anadolu, all belong to YPG. In addition, Allied rebels of Free Syrian Army (FSA) had invaded place with Turkey. The Syrian Human Rights Observatory also reported attacks by at least ten Turkish fighter planes. A spokesman for Kurdish troops in Afrin, Suleiman Gaafar, spoke of rocket strikes.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a speech that Turkey would “step by step” destroy a “terrorist corridor” that YPG had built. Erdoğan announced that offensive would not end with Afrin. The next destination is city of Manbidsch. The Kurdish-dominated democratic forces of Syria had conquered Manbidsch 2016 by terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS). The Turkish army confirmed beginning of a ground and air offensive. The Operation Olive Branch is against YPG and also against Dschihadistenmiliz “Islamic State”, military shared.

The Syrian leadership under President Bashar al-Assad had warned Turkey of an offensive. The Syrian air Force will shoot down any Turkish fighter jet that flies in Syria, said Vice-Secretary Faisal Mekdad. His country considers any air raid or land use of Turkey in Afrin as an aggressive act and a violation of international law.

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Russia was concerned about offensive. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for restraint on all sides. Russia is firmly in its position to resolve Syrian crisis by preserving territorial integrity and respecting Syria’s sovereignty. The Russian Verteidigungministerium announced that his soldiers would be withdrawn from embattled territory. This should avoid “possible provocations” and exclude a “threat to life and health of Russian soldiers”. The soldiers had retired to deescalation zone around Syrian city of Tel Rifat. The military police and so-called Group for reconciliation of warring parties should continue ir work near north Syrian city of Aleppo.

The Foreign Office in Berlin also called for Prudence. “We see with concern to norrn Syria,” was heard from Foreign Office. The heated rhetoric and also bombardment over border, which is not new, are not encouraging.

The YPG is considered to be Syrian offshoot of banned Kurdish Workers ‘ party PKK in Turkey. The PKK is classified as a terrorist organisation in Turkey, EU and United States. The United States sees YPG as allies in fight against “Islamic State” terrorist militia. The US-led anti-IS coalition has announced its intention to build a 30,000-strong border guard force from members of military alliance of Syrian Democratic Forces (DKS) and YPG in norrn Syria.