We asked New Jersey students to complete the sentence, “My school has the best …” Here’s what they had to say.

My School has the best wrestling team. They are good at the sport and each person on the team loves the sport. The kids on the team are pretty good at wrestling, and the team wins more than half of their matches. Most importantly, the team enjoys the sport.   We laugh during every practice because we are having a good time.The team is amazing, and never wants to stop wrestling at RMS!

Ben Schlosser

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school has the best enrichment because, there are several choices of what you can do. It takes place during a non learning class. Finally, the teacher, Mrs. Bengels, is fun.

Becca Bowser

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school has the best teachers. They don’t give a lot of homework,they are willing to help students whenever they need it, and they make all of the boring classes entertaining. For example, Mr. Somma makes financial literacy a really fun and chill class, it is also now one of my favorites. All in all RMS has some amazing teachers.

Gregory Lavish

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

Our school has the best cross country team! Our team is so great because we have amazing experiences coaches. Our coaches make great practices to make us better at running. Sometimes practices might be hard but it definitely makes you better!      

Angelea Riner  

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school has the best people. All the teachers and students here are very nice and helpful. All the teachers teach me something new everyday, and my friends make me smile and laugh everyday. My friends would help me with anything, for example my friends Greg, Andrew, Lucy and Marcello.

Thomas Micco

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school has the best puppy! Some day he will be a service dog. He trains during school and we sometimes see him in the hall. When he is wearing a vest that means he is working  and training and we can’t pet him . But when he does not have the vest on, we can pet him . Sometimes we can throw a ball and he will get itl. That is why I think I have the best school.

Ryan Appicelli

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

My school’s nurse is the best! She takes good care of me. The nurse gives me ice packs and Band-Aids and other things that help me when I get hurt. The nurse also takes our weight and our temperature. She keeps the whole school healthy!

Erica Corley

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

The best thing in my school is the teachers they are a so nice and kind.If you mess up on something they always give you another chance and they always keep us happy.All the teachers will do anything to help us learn. If you need help on something they try their best to help us and when they are teaching us something they always go step by step so we can understand. The teachers are so nice. They are kind and they are never mean and yell.They always do fun things so there is always a smile on our face and if we are sad they always try to cheer us up.That is why the teachers are the best thing in my school.

Melanie Rojas

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

School, school, school, I love school! My school has the best teachers. It has the best teachers because from kindergarten, to fourth grade, my teachers have been so nice and understandable. When I am having trouble, or having a bad day, they help me understand what I am doing, or help me shape up. Sometimes, my teachers have a little bit of fun when they are teaching! We even get to do the Democrat, this is fun too! We also get to have snack, and a half an hour of recess, and an half an hour of lunch. Sometimes, you can get a snack for free! If you forget snack, my teacher would give you some pretzels! That is what my school has the best of!    

Camryn Valenta

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

My School Has the Best… Teachers, my school has really nice teachers. My favorite teacher is Mrs.Hughes my fourth grade teacher. There are other good teachers in y school, but she is my favorite. She is really fun.  She always lets us play games like brain pop.  I love it when we have quizzes on the videos. She gives lots of extra credit sheets, I have the most points. My school also has a really good playground. We have 4 slides, a lot of swings,  2 four squares,  2 basketball hoops,  and 1 giant grass field. I love my school!

Tyler Kusznier

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

My school has the best art teacher. He is good at drawing and he helps me at art class. I especially like using Model Magic. I made a jungle with a rhino, a monkey, a cheetah, a tiger and a lion. My teacher lets us work as a team, so I work with two friends. It is my favorite class every Wednesday.

Spencer Corley

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

My school has the best….. Teacher’s because they’re so kind. Another reason is they teach amazing and easy strategies. The teacher’s  are lots and lots of fun. When we are doing a project that has food we are allowed to eat the food after we do the project. Another reason why the teachers are so amazing is because when you need help they will help you till you know the answer. The teachers at my school are the best teachers that ever taught and no one is going to change my mind.  

Haylie Thomsen

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

School! School! School! My school has the best teachers ,snacks and learning. First I’ll start with learning. The teachers teach you a lot.  Especially in math and science . In science they let you do experiments like  putting a battery and wire or tin foil on the negative or positive side and then  wrap it on a light bulb and the light bulb turns on. My school has the best snacks in the cafeteria because they have ice cream, hot chocolate, cookies and much more.  The lunch ladies are nice as well.  Now the teachers help a lot especially if you are in a bad mood or if you’re having trouble in a subject.  They help you get from f, d, c, b  all the way up to an A+ which will bump your grades a lot. Teachers also help with you learning more in school. Im very grateful to have this school!

Marcus Labib

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

My favorite thing about our school is gym class. Gym class is the best because it helps you get fit. The best part is all the different games you get to find out  once a week. My favorite game is hit or sit. This game was new to this school and our grade loves it. How to play hit and sit is you scatter around the room and the gym teacher puts dodgeballs all over the gym room and you get a ball and throw it at someone. If the ball hits them they sit down. If a ball goes near you and you hit a person that is not sitting you are back in and they are out. I like this game.

Aaron Lonoff

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

Our school has the best Gifted & Talented teacher. She is really nice and we do cool projects all of the time. Right now we are doing soda bottle terrariums. We can do whatever design we want. She also got us 250 worms. We are going to put Pasgol them in our terrariums. We made a poster that says the 5th grade worm farm. Our school definitely has the best Gifted & Talented teacher.

Madilyn Thompson

Grade 5

Franklin Township school

My school has the best technology. We have brand new smart boards. We also have ipads and computer. We use them for games and work to. We have a lot of technology in this school.

Joey Edwards

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

There are many reasons why my school has the best playground.  Most importantly is because the playground is well taken care of.  There is never any garbage or old leaves getting in the way of playing.  Additionally the swings the rock wall and other playground things are never too slippery or broken so you don’t hurt yourself. Lastly the playground benches are covered with a tall roof canopy so that when you are tired and hot you can sit and get a nice breeze in the shade. Its great to have such a nice playground!

Max Kenny

Grade 4

Copper Hill School

My school has the best teachers for many reasons.  First, every teacher in Copper Hill school is nice.  Next, they’ll always take the time to talk to you, just like a friend would.  Also, if you are upset about anything, they will give you encouragement. The teachers don’t favor one student over another no matter what.  Fortunately, they help students if they have trouble.  Finally, they will try to help a student if he or she gets hurt.  Now I bet you can understand why our teachers are the best!

Mason Irani

Grade 4

Copper Hill School

Readington Middle School has the best teachers. They are so nice, helpful, and help you learn a lot. They always smile at you in the hallways, help you in academic support if you need help, and make learning fun by playing games.

Shalini Varma

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school, Readington Middle School has the best lunch options, including over a dozen hot lunch choices every day, salad bars, subs and sandwiches, sides and snacks, drinks, and even soup of the day. My favorite RMS lunch is either the spaghetti, the cheese steaks, or the Hungarian Mushroom soup.

Kara Scotti

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My school has the best teachers. I love my teachers because they are so kind. The principal is also kind.

Travis Bockowski

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

My school has the best teachers. The best playgrounds and the nicest nurses.

Carly MacIsaac

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Principal because she is nice.

Liam Llull

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Recess because it is fun.

Eli Coss

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Art class, gym class, music class and last but not least my school has the best recess in the whole entire world.

Caroline Varela

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

SRS is the best school because it has amazing teachers. You make lots of friends. It is fun.

Jillian Passafaro

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Library. It has lots of books and I am interested to read them.

Rebecca Mason

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Gym class. I like it because it is fun.

Dallas Monahan

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Teachers and recess.

Katelyn Cafarella

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Gym class.

Ben Cooley

Spruce Run School

Gym because it is fun to play games with friends.

Sophia DiLanno

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Teachers, friends and playground.

Vaughn Warner

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Principal because she takes care of us.

Beverly Veliz

Grade 1

Spruce Run School


Gavin Martorana


Spruce Run School

Everything! Like friends I can play with and teachers that help me learn.

Zion Stadulis


Spruce Run School

Choice time!

Emily LaBrutto


Spruce Run School

I like Spruce Run School because of the fantastic woman principal, Mrs. Goad. She has her own cameras on the bus, just to be safe. I love this!

Alexa Pecora


Spruce Run School

Choice time!

Cole Ross


Spruce Run School

PE teacher!

Jack Ahimovic


Spruce Run School

PE teacher!

Brayden Ahimovic


Spruce Run School

Teachers and friends.

Amy McCool


Spruce Run School

I believe my school has the best friends and teachers ever.

Fernando Luna

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Teachers and staff members because they are very kind and they are just very, very, very fun.

Abigail Jenkin

Grade 1

Spruce Run School


Violet Attanasio

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Black top because it is as big as a football field and is marked for anything fun.

Evan Schmidt

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Lunch! Because it is yummy!

Joel Franco

Grade 1

Spruce Run School


Alexander Gartrell

Grade 1

Spruce Run School


My school has the best library because of the fun books.

Mia Durso

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Technology teacher, Mrs. Filus.

Colin O’Leary

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Art teacher and aftercare teachers.

Lillian Albayati

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

Gym class.

John O’Brien

Grade 1

Spruce Run School


Lucca Schiavino

Grade 1

Spruce Run School

My school has the best buses and lunch. First, the buses are clean and they look nice also they are cool. Next, the lunch at school is great too. The lunch aids at lunch are nice. The food is good and I like the pizza the best. Last, this is why I think my school has the best busses and lunch.

Sara Orlans

Grade 5

Round Valley School

My school has the best teachers and students. The teachers do hard work, their helpful, and they go out of their way for the students. The students are caring and they share. Some students have even shared their toys with me. Round Valley has the best teachers and students.

Ashton Rowlands

Grade 4

Round Valley School

My school has the best recess and math. First of all, math can inspire you, and it’s awesome! Lunch can satisfy you, it fills your belly, and then you eat up your lunch! Then after that, the teacher lines you up.Then it’s recess time! The you go indoors for recess or it could be outdoor recess. Then it’s time to line up! In conclusion, I like that Round Valley School has the things that I like!!!!!


Grade 4

Round Valley School

My school has the best teachers and students. First, the teachers help me with my work and when I do not focus they help me focus by reminding me what to do. Second, I like my friends because they are nice and do not pick on people. These are the things I like about my school.

Domenico Forlini

Grade 5

Round Valley School

My school has the best library. The library in my school is huge! I use it every year to write my science papers. Without the library, I could fail my subjects. The reason I love the library the most is because it was made by my loving teachers.

Adolene Fowler

Grade 6

(Our) HOPE Christian Academy


My school has the best teachers. I know this to be a fact for several reasons.  Whenever something does not make sense to a student, one of the teachers will do the best they can to explain it to us.  In addition to the other reason, my school has the best teachers- the other students can back me up when I say this- they love God with all their hearts. You can see God doing work in their lives.  Furthermore, my teachers are the best because they love teaching. Because they love teaching, the put all of their aspirations into making sure the students possess the information. Those are some reasons why my school has the best teachers.

Matthew LoBiondo

Grade 9

(Our) HOPE Christian Academy


When you grow up, where would you like to live?

I would like to live in Morristown, NJ because it has a lot of great places to shop and eat. Morristown is also not too far away from where I live so I can visit my family a lot. I have been to Morristown many times and I love it. Also, in the winter near Christmas there is this pretty park with ice sculptures.

Emmy Beard

Grade 4

Califon School

When I grow up  I want to live in a beach house near the boardwalk in Seaside Heights or Lavallette, NJ. I want to live their because I want to live close to the beach and the boardwalk. I like to play games and hang out on the beach, go into the water, and I like to go visit the firehouse sometimes.

Zak Bergmann

Grade 4

Califon School

Alaska because it is cold for a while, but gets warm for a tiny bit. I love the cold so I  think that would be a good place for me.

Finley Bruton

Grade 4

Califon School

When I grow up I would like to live in Maine, U.S.A. I would like live in Maine because I went there for summer vacation and it was really cool.  

Fiona Cusack

Grade 4

Califon School

When I grow up, I would love to live where I am living now. Right here in Califon. There is a wonderful school that I go to and I think my children would be happy here. I would live near my parents if they don’t move. A plus also is I basically know everybody in Califon because it’s so small. I would love to live in Califon when I grow up.

Kate Firko

Grade 4

Califon School

I want to live in the biggest penthouse in New York City.

Aidan Fitzpatrick-O’Neill

Grade 4

Califon School

I would like to live in some different places. One of the places I would like to live is in Mount Desert Island, Maine (Southwest Harbor). I would like to live there because I love to hike and bike to see good views over the ocean while picking the best blueberries! There is also very good food up there. I go to Maine with my family and camp in a yurt and we do all that fun activities. (if you are wondering what that is you should look up Acadia Yurts.) We also get pie every night from the Pie Lady. It’s really fun there and that’s why I want to live there when I grow up! 🙂  

Ava Keiser

Grade 4

Califon School

I would want to live in Texas because most of my family lives there.  I also love the hot weather.  It would be fun to be in a pool all day.

Cody Meredith

Grade 4

Califon School

I would love to live in florida where it’s hat and humid. I can swim a lot and I love to swim. I’ll be near Disney World so I could ride on rides and have tons of fun. That’s where I would like to live when I grow up.

Landon Sacro

Grade 4

Califon School

When I grow up I want to live in Boston, MA and be the starting goalie for the Boston Bruins, a major league hockey team.

Daniel Van Elkan

Grade 4

Califon School

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