

Candidate Trump votes last November.  Polls show that his approval ratings have fallen, despite the “honeymoon” period usually given to a new President. ( Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Candidate Trump votes last November.  Polls show that his approval ratings have fallen, despite the “honeymoon” period usually given to a new President. ( Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that only 35 percent of American women approve of the job President Trump is doing: 58 percent disapprove.

A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that only 35 percent of American women approve of the job President Trump is doing: 58 percent disapprove.

Protests at Trump immigration order have drawn thousands to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.  A new national poll shows a majority of Americans oppose the ban on entry of people from seven predominantly Muslim nations, and 70 percent disapprove the ban on Syrian refugees.

Protests at Trump immigration order have drawn thousands to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.  A new national poll shows a majority of Americans oppose the ban on entry of people from seven predominantly

A fairly narrow majority of Americans oppose President Trump’s order suspending travel to the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim nations, according to a national Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

Fifty-one percent oppose the seven-nation ban, 46 percent support it.  But the margin of disapproval widens to 70-26 percent  when voters were asked about Trump suspending indefinitely all immigration of Syrian refugees to the United States.

Overall, 56 percent of Americans disapprove how Trump is handling immigration issues, compared to 41 percent who approve.  By a 49-44 percent margin, those surveyed disapprove of how Trump is handling terrorism.

“Message to President Donald Trump:  ‘Give me your tired , your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free’ still has profound resonance with Americans,” said Tim Malloy of the Quinnipiac University Poll, quoting from the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.

“Significant pushback on immigration tells the President that many voters are not on board with a ban on refugees and that voters are strongly opposed back those most threatened, Syrian refugees.”

The poll found that Americans, by a 50-44 percent margin, oppose “suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions even if it means turning away refugee.” 

Trump is losing support for his policies.  The 50-44 percent figure reverses findings of a Quinnipiac Poll taken January 5-9, before President Trump’s inauguration, showing voters supported the measure by a 48-42 margin.

Overall, the survey found, just 42 percent of Americans approve of the job President Trump is doing:  51 percent disapprove.  Men approve of Trump’s job performance by a 50-43 percent margin, while women disapprove 58 percent to 35 percent.

The nation’s 45th president gets some low marks, but a couple in positive territory.

–By a 54-42 percent margin, Americans believe that President Trump is not honest.

–50 percent do not believe Trump has good leadership skills, compared to 47 percent who believe he has;

–A whopping 60 percent believe the 45th president is not level headed. versus 35 percent who say that he is.

–52 percent feel Trump does not care about ordinary Americans, while 45 percent believe that he does.

By contrast, 70 percent believe Trump is a strong person, and two-thirds of those polled believe he is intelligent.  But, by a 58-38 percent margin, those polled do not believe Trump shares their values.

Voters are highly suspicious of motives behind the President’s order on immigration.  By a 51-45 percent margin, those polled believe Trump’s intent is to slap a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Fifty-eight percent of Americans agreed that Islam is a peaceful religion, w2hile 26 percent said it encourages violence.

The Quinnipiac poll surveyed 1,156 voters nationwide between February 2 and 6.  The poll has a margin of error of plus/minus 2.9 percent. 

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