The divisive presidential race between President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had people turning to Google for information. Now, Americans are using the search engine to learn more about cabinet picks, the latest executive orders and even asking about Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s gum chewing, according Google data analyzed by Estately shared by Distractify .

The presidential election dominated searches on Google last year, according to the search engine’s data released December 2016. Trump took the first spot, followed by Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who was the fourth most googled person in 2016.

After Trump took office, Estately, a home searching platform, used Google trends to analyze search traffic for hundreds of names, terms and questions. Estately found what Americans in each state have been searching for the most on Google since Trump was inaugurated.

Searches in Alabama included looking for information on Jeff Sessions, and for those who didn’t pay attention in history class “who is Frederick Douglass?” after Sean Spicer and Trump suggested the abolitionist was still alive (he died in 1895). Meanwhile, Indiana residents googled “Cheetos bronzer” and those in Kansas searched for “Kellyanne Conway punch,” after she allegedly hit a man at an inauguration party. In New York, people were more interested in whether President Barack Obama would be able to run again, and in California people googled “Is Donald Trump a sociopath?” and “Will the world end in 2017?” or “Are we going to die?.”

Here is the complete list of Google searches across U.S. states:

ALABAMA :  Jeff Sessions / Will Jeff Sessions be the next Attorney General? / Who is Frederick Douglass?

ALASKA :  Trump executive order immigration / Vladimir Putin / Wikileaks / Rosneft (Russian state-owned oil company) / Meryl Streep Golden Globes speech / kakistocracy / Russia sanctions / Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

ARIZONA :  Starbucks boycott / What is the A.C.A.? / Autocracy: Rules for Survival / How to emigrate to Canada

ARKANSAS :  How to build a wall? / Plagiarism / live stream inauguration

CALIFORNIA :  Definition of lie / Will the world end in 2017? / Twitter feud / Are we going to die? / Donald Trump Russian prostitutes / D.A.C.A. news / Trump D.A.C.A. news / Is it a Muslim ban? / Trump ISIS plan / How much would it cost to build a wall? / What did Trump do now? / How does a filibuster work?  / deportation force / immigrant rights / immigration attorney near me / California secession petition / How to emigrate to Australia / Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

COLORADO :  Did Obama ban Iraqi refugees in 2011 / Oleg Erovinkin / federal funding to sanctuary cities / Trump 100 day action plan / alcohol delivery / Comey effect / Neil Gorsuch

CONNECTICUT :  Rex Tillerson Secretary of State / What are refugees? / Laura Ingraham

DELAWARE :  Melania Trump inaugural gown / The Trump Organization / Buzzfeed Trump dossier / autocracy / Jim Acosta / grief counseling

FLORIDA : AFC-NFC Pro Bowl / Trump lowest approval rating / Hannity Assange video / Jared Kushner and Chris Christie / muerte de Fidel Castro / Obama Fidel Castro statement / How will Mexico pay for the wall?

GEORGIA :  Rep. John Lewis / Putin prostitute remark / Andy Puzder minimum wage / Is Donald Trump going to be impeached? / Newt Gingrich Madonna / What the hell is going on?

HAWAII :  What is Obamacare? / one-China policy

IDAHO :  Trans-Pacific Partnership / General Mattis quotes

ILLINOIS :  Jeb Bush guac bowl / Who will pay for the wall? / Putin election hack / Martin Shkreli dog poop / refuse fascism / Steven Mnuchin wife

INDIANA :  Hamilton cast Mike Pence / Mike Pence booed / Is Donald Trump the antichrist / Trump Putin phone call / Trump protest sign ideas / Cheetos bronzer / Who really won the popular vote?

IOWA :   Russian prostitutes / Where is Yemen?

KANSAS :  Kellyanne Conway punch

KENTUCKY :   Sean Spicer lies / Celebrities who said they would move to Canada

LOUISIANA :  inauguration coverage / Trump anxiety

MAINE :  Kellyanne Conway alternative facts / Sean spicer conference / Did Obama ban refugees? / Trump inauguration protests / Emoluments Clause

MARYLAND :  Conway alternative facts / inauguration protest / Sean Spicer press conference video / Sean Spicer suit / Trump cabinet appointments / dossier on Trump / Ben Carson public housing / Is Trump a fascist?

MASSACHUSETTS :  dabbing Paul Ryan / Paul Ryan survey / Monica Crowley plagiarism / protest sign ideas / Clinton blames Comey

MICHIGAN :  Betsy Devos / Betsy Davos confirmation hearing / Did Trump ban Muslims? / What does the term snowflake mean? / Wikileaks pizzagate / Trump is a liar / How the fuck did Trump win? / Greg Phillips voter fraud

MINNESOTA :  Al Franken Rick Perry / Why liberals oppose Ben Carson? / Where is Hillary Clinton now?

MISSISSIPPI :  3 Doors Down

MISSOURI :  Trump and golden shower / Sean Spicer gum / Rick Perry energy department / radical islamic terrorism / Trump executive orders today

MONTANA :  Richard Spencer / Putin Trump / National Park Service / misogyny definition / Keystone Pipeline

NEBRASKA :  Trump’s wall / SNL writer Barron Trump

NEVADA :  Rick Perry veto controversy / A.C.L.U. letter to Trump /  impeach Trump petition / Aziz Ansari SNL monologue

NEW HAMPSHIRE :  Breitbart News / How to stop Trump? / Pizzagate / alt National Park Service / plutocracy / petition electoral college

NEW JERSEY :  Twitter beef / Tucker Carlson Teen Vogue / Mike Pence booed at Hamilton / Brave New World

NEW MEXICO :  Mitch McConnell wife / Border Patrol jobs

NEW YORK :   Trump Tower / mucho sad / Can Obama run again? / Can Obama run for President again in 2020? / Trump appointments to cabinet / Is Jeff Sessions racist? / Muslim country ban / Kellogg’s boycott / Marco Rubio spine / Steve Bannon domestic violence / Lauren Duca Tucker Carlson / Michael Flynn Russia / Steven Mnuchin / Elaine Chao net worth / Merrick Garland recess appointment / Trump hands photoshop / Is this really happening? / Trump companies to boycott / Kellyanne Conway comedy

NORTH CAROLINA :  Toby Keith inauguration performance / Richard Spencer punched gif / Las Vegas odds Trump impeachment

NORTH DAKOTA :  protest / Trump executive order first day / Lauren Duca / xenophobia definition / Dakota Access Pipeline

OHIO :  What happens if Obamacare is repealed? / Where is Somalia? / Donald Trump is gaslighting America

OKLAHOMA :  Scott Pruitt climate change / What is NATO?

OREGON :  Trump approval rating today / punching nazis / alt National Park Service Twitter

PENNSYLVANIA :  Nazi getting punched / Donald Trump pee pee party / Obamacare replacement plan / Steve Bannon Leninist / How old is Giuliani? / What is the one China policy? / James Clapper resigns

RHODE ISLAND :  Golden Shower / Sean Spicer / What is pizzagate? / Michael Flynn / Trump impeachment odds / kleptocracy

SOUTH CAROLINA :  What is a pussy hat? / Trump to order Mexican wall

SOUTH DAKOTA : Did Obama ban refugees in 2011? / Where is Syria? / bathroom bill / Kellyanne Conway outfit / Animal Farm

TENNESSEE :  Who punched Richard Spencer? / Donald Trump pee pee / How tall is James Comey? / Pray for Trump / What is critical thinking?

TEXAS :  Can Texas secede? / Who will Trump nominate for Supreme Court

UTAH :  International Rescue Committee / Meryl Streep Golden Globes speech video

VERMONT :  Donald Trump / Trump protests / 1984 / Steve Bannon / Intersectionality / Richard Spencer punched / Richard Spencer punched again / Executive order / Planned Parenthood / Southern Poverty Law Center / fake news / impeachment / human rights / Madonna women’s march / boycott / How to move to Canada?

VIRGINIA :  March for Life / Sean Spicer press conference / executive order refugees / Tillerson Putin / Obamacare replacement / Christopher Steele MI6 / Who is my Senator? / Who is my Congressman? / no Trump no kkk no fascist USA / Steve Bannon Nazi / gay dance party Mike Pence / Nikki Haley taking names

WASHINGTON :  pussy hat knitting pattern / pussy hat crochet pattern / Trump Muslim country ban / How to donate to Planned Parenthood? / Indiana Jones punching Nazi / Donald Trump Nazi / Uber boycott / Will Donald Trump be impeached? / alt facts /Kellyanne Conway outfit meme / Merriam Webster Twitter / Trump inauguration photos / obstructionism / Donald Trump treason / Border Patrol chief resigns / West Coast secession / Is Donald Trump Christian? / general strike / federal funding to sanctuary cities

WEST VIRGINIA :  recess appointment / Sally Yates

WISCONSIN :  Who is Sean Spicer? / Russian dossier on Trump / recount / What is populism?

WYOMING :  Trump inauguration speech / Trump cabinet / FOX News live / internment of Japanese Americans / fascism / xenophobia / filibuster / Who won the popular vote? / populism / drain the swamp / Electoral College

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