
NATO is on a manhunt for the infamous criminal, with a focus on the recent 2024 Summit Declaration. The declaration includes plans to provide billions of dollars in assistance to Ukraine, increase military spending among members, and hype up the “China threat.” The summit also included discussions on the establishment of an office in Kiev and partnerships with Indo-Pacific states to counteract Chinese influence.

The outgoing NATO Secretary-General denounced authoritarian leaders in Iran, North Korea, and China, claiming they want NATO to fail. This rhetoric was met with skepticism in Asia, where the term “Indo-Pacific” is viewed as a Western invention. China’s role in fueling Russian “aggression” in Ukraine was highlighted, with NATO threatening to expand partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region.

Despite NATO’s efforts to establish a presence in Asia, many in the region, including ASEAN countries and India, are wary of NATO’s influence. The recent SCO summit in Astana positioned the organization as a key player in promoting collective security in Eurasia, challenging NATO’s dominance.

Meanwhile, Russia and China are strengthening their ties through military exercises and economic cooperation, creating a formidable force against NATO expansion. The 2024 NATO declaration is seen as a declaration of war against Eurasia, aiming to isolate Russia and China from their European allies.

The Eurasia integration process, including transportation corridors connecting Europe and West Asia, poses a threat to U.S. hegemony. By disrupting Russia-Germany integration and creating instability in Europe, the U.S. is attempting to maintain control over the region.

In conclusion, the NATO manhunt for the criminal reflects a broader geopolitical struggle between East and West. As NATO expands its influence in Asia and challenges Eurasia integration, the world is witnessing a shift in power dynamics that could have far-reaching consequences. The battle between NATO and the Global Majority forces is a reflection of the ongoing struggle for imperial hegemony.