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JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Saudi Arabia has been elected to chair the Executive Council of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) by selecting its representative and member of the Executive Council , Hani bin Moqbel Al-Moqbel, as president for the period 2024-2026. This decision came after a majority vote, in which 18 countries supported Saudi Arabia, two countries voted for the Moroccan candidate and one country abstained. Accordingly, Saudi Arabia will chair the ALECSO Executive Council for the third consecutive term. Qatar was elected vice president and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was elected rapporteur.

This election followed the Executive Council meeting that took place after the 27th session of the General Conference, which concluded on Friday (May 17) in Jeddah, organized by the Saudi National Committee for Education, Culture and Science . Council members expressed gratitude for the positive results and collaborative work achieved during Saudi Arabia’s two previous terms, which spanned two years and ten months.

The ALECSO General Conference also welcomed Saudi Arabia’s initiative for the “Arab Week at UNESCO” event, praised the initiative and called on Arab countries to support and participate in the event. Additionally, the conference condemned Israel’s escalation of the conflict.

The General Conference appreciated the proposal of Saudi Arabia to form a special committee to develop the mechanisms of the General Conference and approved the formation of such a committee, chaired by Saudi Arabia and including all interested Arab countries. It also approved the inclusion of a permanent agenda item on the educational, cultural and scientific conditions of countries experiencing conflicts, crises, disasters and emergencies for the Executive Council and the General Conference.

The conference asked ALECSO to develop a response plan for educational, cultural and scientific conditions based on requests from interested member states in conflict, crisis, disaster and emergency situations to assess their needs and resulting damages.

In addition, it approved the establishment of an alliances and self-financing unit within the organizational structure of ALECSO, according to the proposal of the organization’s Executive Council.

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/arabia-saudita-elegida-presidenta-del-consejo-ejecutivo-de-alecso-hasta-2026-302151507.html