Spain has positioned itself as a leader in the use of payment applications between individuals (‘p2p’) in the age segment between 55 and 75 years at a European level, used by 62% of Spaniards, according to the ‘Report on digital habits of the Zen Gen’, produced by the Good Rebels agency.

Specifically, the ‘Zen generation’, made up of people between the ages of 55 and 75, represents 24% of the Spanish population and, for the most part, are still active workers, while “concentrating nearly half of the income of Spanish households, so their consumption habits are of great interest to brands, service providers and payment platforms”, he explains.

Thus, under the name of ‘p2p’ payments (person to person, for its translation into Spanish) is included the sending of money that is made through mobile applications between individuals, to make transfers or payments.

The majority of Spanish consumers between the ages of 55 and 75 have stated that they use this digital payment method several times a month to transfer money to family and friends, check balances and recent operations, and pay for products and services, both in online stores and physical.

For their part, those consumers who do not use ‘p2p’ payment applications have argued that bank transfers are a safer payment system, an aspect pointed out by 71% of those surveyed.