The National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods (Sercobe) has signed a contract for the supply of capital goods for one year with a Ukrainian private industrial group, to meet the basic needs of the Ukrainian population derived from the damage caused by the war to the country’s infrastructure.

During this month of December, Sercobe will supply 34 generating sets of Spanish technology and manufacture of different powers, between 25 kilovolt-amperes (kVA) and 900 kilovolt-amperes, corresponding to the first two orders.

“This contract, which we will continue to execute throughout 2023, is the starting point of Sercobe’s commitment to collaborate with Ukrainian institutions in the reconstruction of their basic infrastructures,” the association explained.

Likewise, they have pointed out that the operation has been possible thanks to the “quick response” of the companies that form the association to the requests from Ukraine, with the participation of a total of four Spanish companies in the sector.

Sercobe was recognized last July by the Government of Ukraine as a “priority” entity for the reconstruction of the country, as well as for its “demonstrated solvency” at the international level and its “great” competitiveness.

Currently, Sercobe actively participates in a working group made up of benchmark companies in Spain and the Ukrainian ambassador in Spain with the aim of identifying priority projects for the “urgent” reconstruction of the country.