The Spanish Road Association (AEC) and the Spanish Association of Automotive Professionals (Asepa) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the decarbonisation and digitization of mobility, according to both entities in a statement.

Through this agreement, a “stable collaboration framework” is established between both organizations that will allow joint activities to be carried out in the areas of digitization, connectivity, road safety, sustainability, development and application of intelligent transport systems in road infrastructures.

Joint actions linked to the reduction of emissions, decarbonisation, technology transfer, training, documentation and publications will also be carried out.

Both organizations conceive mobility as an “interconnected system” that must be safe, sustainable, efficient, flexible and intermodal. “In it, roads and smart cars have to establish a permanent exchange of data in real time: some vehicles with others and all of them with the infrastructure”, AEC and Asepa have stressed.

“However, this dialogue has not taken place with the intensity required by society. The automotive and road construction and maintenance industries have achieved important developments in their respective fields, but they have followed practically separate paths and with few areas of joint action “, the organizations have added about the need for this alliance between the road and automobile industries.