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Spain, December 12, 2022

Garbage accumulation disorder, common in people over 65 years of age, is becoming more frequent in people aged 40 and over in Spain. The operators of Limpiezas Express collect up to 3 tons of garbage in 100 m² apartments

Studies estimate around 1,200 new annual hospital admissions in people over 65 years of age in Spain due to Diogenes syndrome. This is a reality that, according to cleaning experts specialized in the disorder, has increased after the pandemic and in which, in addition, it has decreased dangerously with the age of those affected. “Calls from affected people aged 40 and over are becoming more common, and they have a high rate of recidivism,” report the experts in personal and property care at Limpiezas Express. In this sense, “1 in 3 affected requests the service again after a while”. Care support or hospitalization in specialized centers or residences is not so common in middle-aged people and this is something that could be making rehabilitation difficult. In addition, these new characteristics complicate the prevention of the syndrome and increase the probability of contracting it. “The COVID-19 pandemic aggravated this type of problem. Many were afraid to go out and throw out the garbage and they accumulated more at home until it got out of hand,” they explain from Limpiezas Express. Detection by relatives and close friends is hard. Many middle-aged sufferers easily hide what is happening. “Some come out dressed and neat when we start cleaning up Diogenes. They lead a normal life outside their home and avoid family and friends visiting them at home, out of shame or so they don’t detect the problem.” middle class, with work, and live in urban areas. You wouldn’t know they have this problem if you see them on the street,” the experts from Limpiezas Express point out. Unlike those over 65, whose families are usually the ones who ask for assistance, those affected in middle age call for themselves, and they do it alone. “They accept that they have a problem after a relatively long period of garbage accumulation, and call us themselves. Sometimes they burst into tears in shame or frustration at losing their accumulated items.” Up to 3 tons of garbage in a 100 m² floor After the agreement with the client, the corresponding permits and authorizations from the town hall and neighbors, a team of cleaning operators calculates the volume of garbage and junk to be removed and goes by van or truck together with the respective construction containers. There is talk that each vehicle fits 6 m³ (about 1000 kg) to collect garbage. “Up to 3 containers in total we have been able to remove from a house of about 100 m².” Initially, an attempt is made to recover what is valuable from an economic or sentimental point of view, then the waste is removed from the home and transported to waste treatment centers. All this, keeping the affected person, family members or social services informed, and managing the presence of the affected person during the work, so that these are as less traumatic as possible for him. This is a type of cleaning that must be meticulous and well planned because ” there is a risk of damaging common areas by making, for example, many lift journeys with hundreds of kilos of rubbish, objects and junk”. In addition, there is close collaboration with social services, psychological assistance and NGOs, which are sometimes those who request the intervention and offer subsequent support. Some affected people leave when the cleaning workers arrive, others are annoyed when the professionals try to remove certain objects from their house, despite having contracted the service themselves. An adequate management of the expectations of the affected person and their psychological situation is key to the success of a cleaning due to diogenes syndrome, and to minimize the risk of relapse of the affected person.” We have found cockroaches, spiders, rodents, rotten food, excrement on the floor, nappies from several years ago, corroded furniture infested with mold, termites and other insects,… But, above all, boxes and paper; those affected do not throw away the packaging and collect many newspapers. It does not have to be useless garbage, but accumulation of unnecessary objects”, clarify the experts. In this type of action, furniture, clothes and mattresses are thrown away for the correct disinfection and cleaning of the home. “You try to select what to throw away, but often nothing is saved, the conditions of furniture, toilets and the house in general are very bad.”Limpiezas Express, experts in caring for people and real estate Limpiezas Express, experts in caring for people and real estate , has been offering this type of cleaning in apartments for more than 10 years, collaborating with psychologists, assistance centers and other social organizations throughout the country. His extensive experience includes dealing with individuals as well as with public institutions, social organizations and companies, with high quality standards in its results, in a short time, and with a comprehensive offer.

Contact Contact name: Express Cleaning Team Contact description: Express Cleaning Team Contact telephone number: 660725520