destination. A straight line appears, and calculate for you the distance between the two addresses.

© Google Maps That said the rule of 10 km during the containment ?

After the rays of a, of 20 and 100 km, the rules of the containment now allow to venture no further than 10 miles from home, without any time constraint and without certificate. Rather, it must be able to justify his or her place of residence. In the 10 km zone, be it recreational or go for a run, a proof of address will be sufficient. Beyond this perimeter, the certificate of the move becomes the only proof possible. In one case as in the other the non-compliance is punishable by up to 135 euros fine.

That said, the rule of 10 km during the curfew ?

This new containment is organized in two phases : the day, between 6am and 19h and the period of curfew, from 19h until 6am the next day. If walking or outdoor physical activity may extend over several hours during the day, all recreational outings are prohibited spent 19 hours. The rules of 10 km around the home is no longer valid and the required output for a walk in the pet must be within a one-kilometer radius. The curfew restricts further movement, maintains the same rules and allows the same exemptions that before the implementation of the containment reduced.

what is the distance of 10 km “bird’s eye” ?

The concept of “bird’s eye”, in our dictionary, is considered to be a route has been calculated, by distance or time, “in a straight line, without deviation, all right”. We also speak of the great circle route. This concept implies that the distance does not need to be calculated according to the kilometers of road driven, but by a direct beam and in a straight line around the point of departure, and this regardless of the space crossed (roads, but also fields, forests, mountains etc).

What to see in 10 km from Paris ?

The ability to move, even in an area of 10 km around the home, is welcome to city dwellers and urban living in the hypermarket-centres, and often private balconies and green spaces. In Paris, notably, the inhabitants were afraid to live, disappearing into the apartments. But the advantage of the capital is that, no matter where you live, the limit is now set at 10 km is more than enough for fresh air and enjoy the many green lungs that offers the paris region. Some examples :

The bois de Boulogne, The bois de Vincennes to The great parks and gardens of paris (Luxembourg, Buttes Chaumont, Monceau…), The forest of Meudon, The park of Saint-Cloud, parc de Sceaux, The canal de l’ourcq What to see in 10 km from Lyon ?

Stay in Lyon for the containment might appear like an ordeal for some of the Lyonnais, while the fine days grow scampering away. In a radius of 10 km, however, many destinations that allow you to aerate the spirit. Here are some ideas of where to go for a breath of fresh air, observing the distance allowed :

The lake Miribel The wooden Greenhouses in The Monts d’or Mont Cindre The banks of the Saône river in the northern parks of the Head of Gold, Gerland or Blandan What to see in 10 km from Marseille ?

Marseille enjoys a nice, light, and beautiful beaches, but many people could quickly turn round and round in these new times of confinement. Where to go so close to Marseille for a change of ideas, and enjoy a bit of nature while staying in a perimeter of 10 km ? Here are a few ideas.

Calanques Estaque, The parc des Bruyères Le Palais Longchamp Morgiou for the inhabitants of the South of Marseille As 10 km from Lille ?

Lille has many parks, sometimes not well known, which can easily take to the air and fresh air in these times of confinement. Here are some ideas of where to go while respecting the rules of the containment and the limits of 10 kilometers. To this end, we developed a scope from the city centre. Here are some ideas :

Citadel Park Jardin des Plantes, Lille-Moulins Park of the Giant Heron Park, Villeneuve d’ascq Edges of the Sole, Wambrechies What to see in 10km from Bordeaux ?