also applicable for in-transit passengers.

Portugal began his plan of déconfinement progressive

The Portuguese government announced the reopening of kindergartens, primary schools and some shops are non-essential (hairdressing salons, bookshops, libraries, etc.) since march 15, the first stage of his plan lifting of the measures against the Covid-19. At the beginning of April, it will be the turn of the colleges of the terraces of the cafés and restaurants, as well as monuments and museums to reopen. High schools, universities, theatres and restaurant, in the limit of four people per table, will re-open in mid-April, while major sporting events will be permitted from may 3, with a few restrictions.

containment -that is to say, the obligation to stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, and a few other exceptions, the telework, and the limitations of movement between common on weekends are held until Easter, the 4th of April. The controls at the borders with Spain remain in force until the beginning of April.

What are the conditions to be complied with in Greece ?

The containment, already extended several times, and that was to expire on 8 march, will again be extended until march 16, in Greece, accompanied by stronger measures to the people who will not be able to leave the borders of their municipality even for running errands or exercise.